
Friday, February 26, 2010


If we stop learning-we stop living.

Sometimes we learn best from lifes struggles. These struggles can add up to a wealth of information and wisdom over a life time.We can become bitter or better with these struggles, depending on which one we choose.

If we have a quest for knowledge we can learn something new every day.

Carmel Corn

Well last night was the last night for this session of the CHIP class. It is always so sad to see the classes come to and end as I know I may never see some of the people again. They are all so very special too me.
We ended the class with a wonderful pot luck. Couldn't believe all the great, scrumptious, healthy food.

I wanted to bring some thing different to the pot luck.My grand daughter, Deanna gave me her recipe for Carmel corn. Thanks Deanna it was wonderful. Of course I had to put my own twist on it. The Carmel corn was really yummy.

Carmel Corn

1/2 cup peanut butter -I pour all of the oil off of the peanut butter and replace it with water.)
1/2 cup maple syrup
1 Tablespoon molasses
1/2 cup brown Organic Sucanat ( I start out with 1 cup, decreased the next patch to 3/4 cup Sucanat. This time I did 1/2 and it was fine. Next time I will decrease to 1/4 cup to see what happens. I would like to eliminate all Sucanat. Will let you know. (March 4th - I made it with 1/4 cup and it was fine)

1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons vanilla-not imitation
1 teaspoon almond extract

4 quarts popped pop corn - put in large container
about 1 cup of roasted peanuts-( I bought raw peanuts and roasted them.)

1-In small sauce pan, combine peanut butter, maple syrup, molasses, sugar.
2-Bring to a simmer, keep stirring until everything is dissolved.
Bring to a gentle boil and boil about 5 minutes.
3-Remove pan from heat, add baking soda and stir well. Add vanilla, almond extract.
4-Stir, until mixed.
5-Pour over pop corn and roasted peanuts. Stir well.
6- Spread in 2 cookie sheets.

Bake at 250 degrees for 1 hour. I stirred the mixture about every 15 minutes.

Store in air tight container.

This was soooooo very good.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Cheesy Potato Casserole

My friend Jean gave me this recipe. She changed the original recipe and I changed it even more. The original recipe was on the site. This site has so very many 5 star recipes, that sound absolutely awesome.

This is my version of the recipe:


About 6 medium potatoes, cleaned, bad spots cut off, sliced thin. (I did not peel the potatoes)
2-3 red onions-sliced-not chopped
1/2 cup Nutritional Yeast- (This will give the Cheesy flavor)
2-3 squirts Braggs Liquid Aminoes ( This will give the salt flavor)
1 teaspoon Smoked Paprika
1 teaspoon garlic powder
rice mild or plain soy milk (I used about 3 cups or so)
black pepper to taste
Bragg Sprinkle 24 Herbs and Spice Seasonings to taste ( the only place I have ever found this is at Woodman's in the Natural food aisle 22. It has no salt in it)

1-In a sprayed 8" glass square pan:
2-Put in about 3 sliced potatoes in bottom of pan.
3-*Layer with about half of the onions .
4-Put the remaining layer of potatoes on next.
5-For the top layer, cover with the rest of the onions.

You want the sauce to come up about 2/3 of the way in your pan. If you put it all the way to the top, you will have a mess in your oven.

About 3 cups of rice milk/soy milk
Nutritional Yeast
Braggs Liquid Aminos
and all of the seasonings
Mix well, and pour over potato, onion mixture. (If it is not high enough with liquid, I just poured more rice milk over top

Bake at 450 degrees for 45 minutes to 1 hour.

*You want lots of onions on top, because they will brown so beautifully.

This recipe is excellent. Adjust to your own taste.

Need to run off to church and then babysitting for my 2 very young grand babies. What fun!!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hot! Hot! Hot! We Like it Hot!!!

We need lots of Hot Red Peppers, black pepper, jalapenos, cayenne and mustard in our foods.
These will all boost metabolism and help burn calories.

So let's be Hot!!!!!!!!!

Plus these are also good for the heart.

Yes my friend, 30 lbs. by April is aggressive, but doable.

Shoot for the moon.
Even if we miss, we will land among the stars!!!

Sounds good to me.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Chocolate Banana Cream Pie

Oh my gosh!!! Do you want a absolutely decadent, wonderful pie that is healthy??? This is so good you would never believe it is healthy, that is if you don't eat the entire pie at one sitting. A very special friend brought me some on Valentine's Day! Yummy yummy!!

Oh yes coconut oil.
Their is a lot of controversy over coconut oil as it is a saturated fat. But remember it is a saturated fat, from coconut's. What is bad is saturated fat from meat and dairy products.
I personally use it and believe in it. In fact I use it for a moisturiser on my face, and as a sun screen in the summer. My bike riding friend puts on sun screen, and still gets burned if we are out for a long time. No I have never been burned using coconut oil.
Read the book:
The Coconut Oil Miracle, by Bruce Fife,C.N., N.D.
I just went to get the book and can't find it. Must have loaned it out Their are several good books on the topic. Why don't you read the books and draw your own conclusions.

In the mean time, here is the recipe.


Chocolate Banana Cream Pie


1 cup raw pecans
1/2 cup soft Medjool dates-pitted and coarsely chopped
1 cup plus 2 Tablespoons unsweetened coconut flakes
2 Tablespoons chocolate chips of choice


4 medium avocado's- very ripe
1/2 cup honey or Agave Nectar
1/4 cup maple syrup
4 Tablespoons coconut oil, slightly softened.
2 teaspoons vanilla extract- not imitation
1 cup natural cocoa powder-I used carob powder
2 medium bananas- very ripe
16 pecan halves

1-Lightly coat bottom of 8" glass pie plate with coconut oil.
2-Combine pecans, dates and 1 cup coconut flakes in blender, process until mixture is crumbly.
Add chocolate chips, pulse until mixture starts forming a ball. Press mixture into pie pan to
form crust, place in freezer to chill.
3-To make filling. Half avocados. Remove pit, and scoop out flesh.Combine avocado flesh,
sweeteners, coconut oil, vanilla cocoa powder and bananas in a food processor.
Process until very smooth and creamy, scraping sides of food processor as needed.
Add up to 1/3 cup warm water if needed, one tablespoon at a time, if needed to thin.
4-Pour filling over crust, smoothing top. Scatter the remaining 2 Tablespoons of coconut
over the top of the pie. Arrange pecan halves around the outside of the pie.
Chill at least one hour before serving. That is if you can stay out of in that long.

Oh so very good. Took the recipe from February's issue of better Nutrition, with a few changes.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Race

The race does not always go to those who do it perfectly, (is their such a person) but to those who do not give up.
We have abilities we never dreamed of.
We are capable of doing things we never dreamed of.
Their are no limitations of what we can do, as long as we don't give up.

Don't Give Up!!!!! GO- Go-Go-Forward!!!!! Today is a new day and a new week!!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Be My Valentine

Do you need a Valentine today?

For all of you out their that don't have a Valentine.
I made these chocolate cookies today to share with you, a special Valentine's treat.


Mexican Chocolate Drops

2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon chili powder
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/3 cup olive oil
1/2 cup brown rice syrup
soy milk-if needed

Chocolate glaze

1/4 cup vanilla soy or rice milk
3 Tablespoons brown rice syrup
1 cup chocolate chips of choice

1-Preheat oven to 350 degrees.Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
2-Combine flour, cocoa baking powder and spices in a mixing bowl. Whisk to combine
3-Mix in oil and rice syrup. Add soy milk if needed to make dough into a soft ball.
4- Roll dough into 1" balls and arrange on baking sheet an inch apart.
5-Bake 18-20 min,until the cookies crack on the top but are still soft. Cool completely.
6-Prepare the glaze bringing soy milk and rice syrup to a rolling boil. Remove from heat, add
chocolate chips, stir until silky smooth.
7- Dip the tops in the glaze and then into the coconut.

Makes about 24 cookies. Feeeze well.

This recipe came from

Inches Away

I went back to Inches Away this morning after being away for a week. I rejoined two weeks ago. The third day back, I was going way to fast for me on the treadmill, slipped and hurt my back. It was great to be back, knowing that I am almost healed.
From now on,I will not show off, trying to go faster than the younger ladies. That got me in big trouble.
I love Inches Away. It was where I went several years ago, when I needed to exercise, but too sick to do so.
Plus I love the people who work their, and you get too meet so many new friends.


Yeah, the Olympics have started.
I love to watch them, especially opening night. I couldn't believe it, when I turned on the TV, I could not get them. So I was off to some good friends home to watch the Olympics with them.
Well of course my friend had to feed me, so I had a salad with her and her husband. But what was really cool was she had made cauliflower mashed potatoes which we put on the salad. It was really good and gave the salad yet another texture, which was creamy and smooth.
Made you think you where eating some thing really naughty. Well I had a head of cauliflower in the frig, so this morning I made the recipe, but made some changes. Oh, it was so very good!!!!


Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes

1-1 head cauliflower-after cleaning I ran it all through the food processor. My processor wasn't big enough to handle the entire head, so I had to do half of the head, scrape into bowl, then process the rest of the head of cauliflower. Of yes, throw in a clove of garlic while processing. Next time I will add more garlic.
2-Put all of processes cauliflower in a bowl.

2 Tablespoons of oil. The recipe called for 1/4 of a cup. (Not necessary)
1/4 cup Nutritional Yeast- (this was my addition)
2-3 squirts of Brags liquid Aminos-(my addition)
pepper to taste

Mix well

Eating just like this is really good for you as it is raw. Heating above 180 degrees kills the enzymes which we need to keep our body healthy. This was really great on a salad, as mashed potatoes, or in place of rice. Put in pita shells, tortilla shells with other veggies. I am sure their are two zillion ways to use this. Any ideas you may have would be appreciated.

When I was in Penn. last year, I met a very special lady from Japan, who lives in Texas. When we where in California in November, we spend allot of time together. She has become a very special friend. I mention her because she is a Dr. and has a clinic in Texas. She eats mostly raw foods. I so want to work more into that direction, as I know it is so good for you. Well this recipe is a great start.

Well the games where ready to start. So my friend made some pop corn (not in the microwave) Earlier in the day I saw a topping for pop corn that sounded really interesting. The idea came from the Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar Book.


This is what we did.
1-Pop the pop corn in air popper, put the pop corn a in bowl, we had 3 people. Everyone made their own concoctions according to how they liked it.
2- In small bowl, but oil of choice. I used about 2 Tablespoons oil.
3-Added a couple sprays of Braggs Liquid Aminos. ( this will help to give it a salty taste)
4-Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar with mother in it. I went rather easy as I was not sure about this, but added more later.
5-Braggs Nutritional Yeast- I went heavy on this, gives a cheesy flavor.
6-Braggs sprinkle seasoning, which has 24 herbs and spices and no salt.

This pop corn was really good, anxious to make it again.

It turned out to be a very nice evening with special friends. Got to see the opening night of the Olympics. Also tried some new recipes, and today tweak them to my taste. What more would I want.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Kitchen Kleanser

In the past three years, I have been working on turning my health around through better eating habits and also exercise.
An area that is just as important to me, is getting the chemicals out of the house. When I was really sick, any sort of cleaning supplies that had chemicals in would make me sicker.
Over the years, I have tried many substitutes,which I will be sharing on my blog.
The first one is a cleanser for the kitchen. Oh so easy and hardly any cost involved.


Kitchen Kleanser:

citrus peel
baking soda

1-Save the citrus peel from whatever you ate that day (orange, lemon, lime etc.)
2-Dampen the service to be cleaned, then sprinkle with baking soda, counter, sink cupboards, stove top.
3-Let it sit for awhile, then use the outside ( the oily part) of the citrus peel like a scrubby.

The soda makes my sink shiny and the peel makes it smell fresh.

If you don't have soda, salt borax works also.

Do not use on stainless steel or copper. You wouldn't be happy if you did.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Coconut Macaroons


Coconut Macaroons, are just one of my very favorite cookies. I found this recipe on They turned out really great, and best of all they where so easy to make.

Coconut Macaroons
2 1/3 cups unsweetened shredded coconut
1/3 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 pinch sea salt
1/3 cup brown rice syrup
1/2 teaspoon pure almond extract
2/3 cup almond milk
Chocolate glaze

1/2 cup non-dairy chocolate chips
3 Tablespoons almond milk
2 teaspoons brown rice syrup
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
  2. Combine all the ingredients, mixing well.
  3. Set aside for about 5 min, so that the coconut can absorb all the liquid.
  4. Form dough into small balls, (about a tsp full) and put on parchment paper.
  5. Bake about 20 minutes, or until cookies start to brown.
  6. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
  7. Place the chocolate chips in a heat resistant bowl.
  8. Combine the almond milk and rice syrup in a small saucepan and bring to a full boil.
  9. Pour over the chocolate and whisk until smooth.
  10. Transfer to a glass measure cup with spout.
  11. Drizzle the cookies with the glaze. ( I didn't drizzle, I just spread the glaze on with a knife.)
  12. allow to stand a few minutes to set the glaze.
Most recipes I change quite a bit. This one I felt was great just the way it is.
Enjoy--I sure have.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Lemon Grass

I had the privilege of going to Lemon Grass with my long time friend Kathleen for her birthday this last week. We had a super wonderful Thai Salad.

The really neat part of the entire meal, was her daughter flew up from Atlanta, and her son, flew up from Texas to surprise her on her birthday.
They showed up while we where eating. Of course it was a big surprise for Kathleen, and lots of tears from me as I thought that was just too cool.
I was part of the planning, so was aware of them coming.

Happy Birthday, Kathleen!!!!


The bad news is Lemon Grass is closing. I have 3 gift certificates for a free dessert at Lemon Grass.
Anyone in the mood for a free dessert?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Garlic and Herb Cauliflower Bites


Before I share the recipe, I would like to tell you about a restaurant on 233 E College Ave. It is called Harmony Cafe. It is where Pilgrims Cafe used to be.
It's not a fancy-schmancy restaurant. But they sure have a nice selection of foods. Besides a nice salad selection, they also have a nice variety of vegetarian recipes. Including wraps,and grilled sandwiches,
walnut burger etc.
They also have a selection of vegan recipes. Including sandwiches, wraps, pizza and yes lasagna. Yummy, yummy!!!!!
Sounds like a great place to try. I would like to take my daughter out to eat, maybe we will try their. Their phone number is 920-734-2233, to find out their hours.
The prices look wonderful. The lasagna is only $6.50.Nice and low!!!!!! Actually that was one of the more expensive meals.


I don't have a picture of this.I ate it all up and then realized should have taken a picture. Way too late at that point. I got the recipe from a group called Meatout Mondays.Every Friday they send me a recipe on my email. Most are very good. Some times, they need some tweaking to fit my personal taste. The web address is,[]

The name of the recipe is:

Garlic and Herb Cauliflower Bites


1 head cauliflower
2-clove garlic-peeled- I used 3 big ones.
Handful fresh herbs, ( a few sprigs of rosemary, parsley and sage)
4 Tablespoons olive oil- I used 3 Tablespoons
2 cups of fine, dried seasoned breadcrumbs.( I usually make my own, but used Panko, Japanese Style Breading and added Italian seasonings to it.)


1-Break cauliflower into small florets, about as big as a quarter ( I cut the stems off and put in my broth bag in the freezer) place in a large bowl.
2-Put garlic, herbs and olive oil into food processor or blender and mix until garlic is completely blended.
3-Pour oil mixture over cauliflower, stir until all cauliflower bits are evenly coated. (note it works best, and breaks less cauliflower if you use your hands)
4-Pour seasoned breadcrumbs over cauliflower, toss carefully again, until all breadcrumbs are stuck on to cauliflower. ( Note: depending on how dry the crumbs are, you might need more crumbs; cauliflower should be evenly coated and dry)
5-Put carefully unto a sprayed cookie sheet, roast at 425 degrees for 10-15 minutes, or until tender-soft when pierced with a fork.

Note; I roasted mine for almost 30 min until golden brown.

It was suggested to serve with BB Sauce, spicy mustard or ketchup.
I dipped mine in Roland Thai Style Spicy-Chili Sweet Sauce.

Woodman's has cauliflower, $1.29 a head.That is a really good deal.


Would be interested in your comments.

Friday, February 5, 2010

My Two White Furry Fiends

My Cats

This is Tasha on the left, and Ely on the right.
Tasha is a Ragdoll Cat. Got her at a super great price. She is like a puppy that follows me wherever I go. I mean like everywhere. She is a very cuddly, friendly cat. In the morning if I am not up when she thinks I should be, she will be right next to me purring like crazy. I was told Ragdoll's don't shed. But they do!!!!
Then their is Ely. My granddaughter Carly, fell in love with her when we went to the Humane Schelter. She is a very curious cat. Doesn't want to miss anything. She loves climbing into my empty brown grocery bags. When I am on the computer, she loves climbing on my lap, putting her paws over my arm, and watch me as I am on the computer. Maye she thinks she is going to learn something from me.
They both are a year old this month.
I so enjoy both of them!! But get really exasperated with the cat hair on everything, especially on my clothes. Have rollers all over the house to get rid of hair.
They are lots of fun and really keep me company.

Coleslaw with Fruit


Why is it in winter we think we have to have everything hot, and in summer we have the cool, crisp foods? Well of course the obvious is their, but I was in the mood for some coleslaw. Plus I had some cabbage in my refrigerator that needed to be used up. Also I still had carrots in my refrigerator that where from my garden. Time to do something with these vegetables before they spoil. Hate throwing food away. So this is what I made.

Coleslaw with Fruit

1 cup red cabbage-shredded
1 cup green cabbage-shredded
1 cup carrots-grated
1/2-3/4 cups celery. I love celery so I put the higher amount in.
2-1/2 cups apples-chopped in bite size pieces. Use a sweeter apple, not Granny Smith. Unless you like tart.
1 cup red grapes-cut in half
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup nuts-chopped-I used walnuts.

Toss together above.


1/2 cup low sodium Hellman's Mayonnaise-You could use vegan mayonnaise if you prefer.
3 Tablespoons frozen Apple Juice Concentrate-not diluted
1 teaspoon sweetener of choice-Stevia-Agave Nectar
2-3 Tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar. I use the Bragg's Vinegar with the mother in it.
1/2 teaspoon fresh grated nutmeg
pepper to taste.

Mix dressing well.
Pour over vegetables.
Refrigerate overnight.

I have a hard time writing down exact amounts as I usually just guess.

Hope you enjoy this recipe. I think it is great.


I started February off with a bang and landed in bed. This is the month I was really going to turn my life around and get back to total commitment too proper eating and exercise. I went a little over board with the exercise, hurt my back and ended up in bed for a few days. Bed is not my favorite place to be, when their is just so much I would like to do.

Had class last night. Ended up taking 2 extra strength Tylenol tablets, to help dull the pain.

My chiropractor said I had to take it easy to heal. That is just soooooo difficult for me. But I will listen to him soI recover very soon.

When will I learn?? Is it called moderation?? What is that???

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Thank God for February.

February is going so much better. It's great to be back on track.

At 5:30 this morning, I worked out on my tread mill for 35. min. Then went to Inches-Away and worked out on their machines. They have a new person their and she gave me a really good work out. I was lifting weights, on all the machines, which I have never done before.My muscles are really sore tonight.I came home from Inches-away and shoveled the snow out of my driveway. And I have a very long driveway.
This afternoon I worked on my very poor Hoola Hooping skills. Then this evening, after coming home from the alumni meeting, I went on my recumbent bike for 30 minutes. ( It was so wonderful too see so many of you at the meeting tonight.)
How is that for a good work out for today??

Last evening in our class we brought in weighted Hoola Hoops. It was so much fun watching the men as well as the woman, trying their skills at keeping the Hoola Hoop where it's suppose to be. Unlike me, mine was usually on the floor. I wasn't good at Hoola Hooping when I was a young girl. But I decided too learn in my more mature years. Trying new things, is what keeps life fun and full of adventure.

Monday, February 1, 2010

New Start it is Feb, 1

Oh yes it is Feb. 1. Yes I was going to lose 10 lbs this last month.

The question is, did I do it???????
I sure hope you did better than I did!!!!!!!

I have to confess my sins!!! Now I can't confess all of them, that would be way to revealing, but in the food area I blew it this last week.It was a disaster!!!!!I love to eat in the evening. I got into the habit of doing just that. As if their was no tomorrow. I didn't necessarily eat bad things, just way too much of a good thing, way to late in the day.

But Yes today is a new day, and a new month. Thank God, for new beginnings and not giving up.
I will admit it, weight will be a issue as long as I am on this earth. But I will not give up. I don't want to weigh, what I used to and I don't want to be that sick again. We can control up to 80% of our health with exercise and what I stick in my mouth. The last is the hardest!!!!! I love to eat!!!!
But wow, 80%, I can control, that is pretty cool!!!! Gives me lots of hope!!!
You know what, I will not beat myself up. I have lost 85 lbs., and for the most part I have kept it off. That is a miracle in itself.

I started this blog a month ago to encourage others and hold me accountable.
What would you like to see on this blog??? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, as I truly want to help change people's lives, too better health.

Have a super day! today is a new day!!!!!