
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Roasted Vegetables

Doesn't that look yummy????
I took red and yellow peppers
  1. Cut in medium size pieces. I put the cut vegetables in a plastic bag,
  2. Added 1-2 Tablespoons EXOO. and lots of freshly ground black pepper. Mix well.
  3. Put in glass pans, single layer or parchment covered metal baking sheets.
  4. Bake at 425 degrees, turning after about 20 minutes. Should be golden brown.
  5. I mixed in some chopped parsley from my garden before serving.

You can use any vegetables you have on hand. Just make sure to add onion and lots of garlic.
Have a great day!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Roasted Cauliflower

I was at Wagner's Veg. Stand in Black Creek and stocked up on lots of veggies.
I have roasted a lot of veggies over the years, but never cauliflower.
  1. I took a large head of cauliflower, cut it into small pieces. Because I had a large amount, I put
    the cauliflower in a plastic bag.
  2. I took 1 whole garlic, which I separated the cloves, peeled and cut the larger cloves into
    smaller pieces and added to the bag with the garlic in.
  3. I then added 2 Tablespoons EVOO, lots of freshly ground black pepper
  4. Shake the bag really well.
  5. Turn the oven on to 425 degrees.
  6. Spread the cauliflower in a glass pan, or use baking sheets with sides on. When using metal pans, I always put parchment paper on the metal pans.
  7. Spread cauliflower in single layer over the parchment paper.
  8. Bake cauliflower for about 15 minutes and stir.
  9. Bake another 10-15 minutes or until the
    cauliflower is golden brown.
  10. You can eat as is. But I choose to put 1 healthy Tablespoons of Earth Balance on the
    cauliflower. Stir until melted. Another option would be to drizzle Balsamic Vinegar over the cauliflower or maybe lemon juice.

    This was so good. If you don't like garlic you may want to cut back, as it is very garlicky. Which I love
    I don't have a picture as I ate it all before I realized I forgot to take a picture.
    Have a super weekend.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pea Burgers

Yes, I said Pea Burgers. I would have never tried these, except I was watching Alton Brown and he was making these on his show. Here's my version.

They are really very tasty.


1 medium onion-chopped
1 large red bell pepper- chopped
2 Tablespoons minced garlic
4-6 oz. chopped mushrooms
1 cup dry yellow split peas
1/2 cup Brown Rice
1 teaspoon coriander
1 teaspoon cumin
3 cups vegetable broth

salt and pepper to taste

1-In large sprayed skillet, sweat onions and bell pepper.- about 5 minutes--Do not brown
2-Add garlic and mushrooms-continue sweating about 4 minutes.
3-Add broth and the rest of the ingredients.
4-Bring to boil-cover and simmer 1 hour.
5-Put ingredients in food processor.Pulse 5-6 times-do not Puree.
6-In large bowl, put in pulsed ingredients with 3/4-1 cup unflavored bread crumbs. Add a
touch of salt and lots of fresh ground black pepper. Mix well.
7-Refrigerate at least 1 hour.
8-Put a little oil in frying pan. Heat.
9-With an ice cream scoop, form patties by using 2 scoops of mixture. Make into patties.
Press patties in dry bread crumbs, turn over and do the same on other side of patties.
10-Brown patties 3-4 minutes on each side.

Comments from Verna's Test Kitchen:

1-I didn't have yellow split peas, so used the green split peas I had on hand.
2-Of course I used my own home made broth. I used about 3 1/2 cups broth. I used Portabella Mushrooms as they have a chewy texture to them. I also added 2 pkg. of Herb Ox- No Sodium
Beef Flavoring to the mixture after it was cooked.
3-I made my own bread crumbs by lightly toasting and putting in the food processor.
4--I used Ian's Panko Bread Crumbs for the final breading. I wanted crumbs that were super
fine. Found then at Festival Foods in Natural Food Aisle.

Would really be interested in your comments.

Have a super day!!!!

Cauliflower with Toasted Bread Crumbs

This is a very easy dish to make. It also tastes wonderful.
4-6 cups cauliflower florets
2-3 Tablespoons Earth Balance
1/2-3/4 cup dry unflavored bread crumbs
black pepper to taste
touch of salt-optional
1-Cook cauliflower in boiling water-3 minutes or so- do not over cook
2 In a large skillet, melt 1 1/2 Tablespoons Earth Balance. Stir in; the bread crumbs until golden brown.
3-Add the drained cooked cauliflower, and the rest of the Earth Balance. Add salt and pepper.
4- Stir well. Serve warm.
Comments from Verna's Test Kitchen.
1-I lightly toasted high fiber bread. About 4 slices and then put in the food processor.
2-I didn't have any amounts for this recipe. Just pretty much added as needed.
Have a super day!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mushroom Stroganoff

1/4 cup plain soy yogurt-not Greek Yogurt
1/4 cup sour cream of choice
1 small onion-minced
1 1/2-2 teaspoons garlic-minced
2-3 Herb Ox Beef Seasonings-No Sodium
Squirt or two of Braggs Liquid Amino
Black pepper to taste
3-4 cups broth-I used my home made broth
2-3 Tablespoons flour
6 Portabella Mushrooms, sliced into 1/4 inch strips


1-In sprayed skillet, saute onions and garlic.
Add mushrooms strips, continue sauteing until mushrooms are tender.5-6 minutes.
2-Stir in half of the broth to deglaze the pan. Mix flour with remaining broth, add to pan. Stir
until thick. Add seasonings.
3-Add sour cream and yogurt.

Serve with wide noodles or brown rice.

Comments from Verna's Kitchen:

1-I double the sour cream, yogurt and seasonings as I wanted more sauce on my rice.
2-I sliced the mushrooms into strips, similiar to the pieces of meat used in classic strogonoff.
2-I used Greek Yogurt as I had it on hand. The strogonoff was real strong of that flavor.
3-Serve with minced parsley on top.


Have a super day.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Butternut Squash Apple Soup
3/4 cups chopped onion
1 3/4 cups chopped and peeled apples
3/4 teaspoon fresh grated ginger or 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
4 cups vegetable broth-home made
2 cups cooked Butternut squash
1 teaspoon Wylers Sodium Free Chicken Bullion
Red Pepper to taste.go easy
  1. In sprayed kettle saute onions and apples until soft.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients., except red pepper.
  3. Bring to a boil,
  4. Continue simmering about 30 minutes.
  5. With stick blender, puree until smooth.
  6. Add red pepper to taste. Add more liquid if needed.
Comments from Verna's Test Kitchen
I- After washing the outside of the Butternut Squash, I cut it in half . With a spoon I took out the seeds.
2-Bake in sprayed glass pan at 375 for about 30 minutes or so, or until you can poke a fork into it and it is tender. Scoop out when cooled down.
2-You can use Curry Powder in place of the Chicken Bullion if you like.
3-If you are using broth form the store you may want to cut down to 2 1/2 cups of broth and substitute water for the rest, so it doesn't get to salty.
Have a super day.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Vegetables and Beans

I went to see Dr. Kay last week and would like to work on loosing more weight.
Even though I am on the CHIP program like 99.9 % of the time, I have been enjoying more carbs then I should.

Dr. Kay suggested eating just vegetables and beans for two weeks. Within that time I should loose 10 lbs. So here I go---------again.
Even though I know that, and teach it, it is sooooooooooo easy to get in the habit of enjoying the bread and pasta a little to much.

Isn't it just so frustrating (for us females) that men can eat the carbs and still loose weight. It's all those big muscles they have.

To my female friends, if you don't have a weight issue, enjoy those carbs for me.

Off to make a big patch of vegetable soup with some beans in it . Ummm should be good.
Have a super great day. Enjoy the sunshine today.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Red Peppers

I was at Woodman's this afternoon and red peppers are on sale 2 for $1.00. They are really nice and large.

At this price it is a perfect time to pick up a bunch of them and roast and freeze for future use.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Jump Start

Saturday we will start the 4th day of Jump Start. Doing great.

The class is awesome. Really special people in this class. They are sharing and doing well on the Jump Start.

We have our first week in which is difficult for everyone. From now on it is just Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

Rode our bikes to Hortonvile today, and back. what a gorgous day to do that. Went out on School Rd to get to the trail. Lots of BIG hills on the way.

Will be back in a few days.

Hope your doing great.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

CHIP Classes

We are in the first week of a really big CHIP Class. We have 50 people in class. Thank God that we have such a nice turn out, hopefully many will turn their lives around. But the room sure is full.
It is hard to get to talk to everyone and get too know each person on a personal level. I am going too work really hard to accomplish that goal, as I feel that is so important.

Recipes will not be forth coming this week as I plan on going on the Jump Start with the class, which starts today. So off to eating oatmeal and fresh fruit today. This to shall pass!!!!! Only 7 days, I can do that, can't I????

Monday, October 4, 2010

Cranberry Walnut Cabbage Slaw

1/3 cup Veganaise-with Grape seed Oil
2 Tablespoons sweet pickle relish
1 Tablespoon Agave Nectar or honey
1 Tablespoon Honey Mustard
2 Tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar
5 cups shredded red cabbage
1/2 cups chopped walnuts
1 small onion-chopped
2-3 stalks celery, chopped
1 can, drained pineapple chunks-drained
1 small red pepper, chopped
1 cup dried cranberries
Lots of freshly ground black pepper

1-In small glass like container, put the cranberries, cover with white wine and leave
rehydrate for at least 30 minutes.
2-In a large mixing bowl. combine cabbage walnuts celery, onions,red pepper and
3-In a small bowl, stir together vegannaise, pickle relish, sweetener mustard, apple
cider vinegar and pepper. Mix together, add to cabbage mixture. Fold all together.
4-Fold in drained pineapple.

Comments from Verna's s Test Kitchen:

1-I used white wine as I had it on hand. water would work also to rehydrate the cranberries
2-If you are using wine, be sure to use drinking wine not cooking wine to rehydrate the cranberries.

3-Oh how did I get that cute little pile of coleslaw! I used a measuring cup, filled it full and tipped it upside down on the plate. Could use and ice cream scoop also.



Good morning !

Hope you're haveing a great day


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Creamed Butternut Squash

Tis the season for fall vegetables. I was making a pizza yesterday using sliced apples an sliced Butternut squash. I did not like the way it was turning out and decide to use the rest of the squash in a before CHIP recipe, but make it healthier.
  • 1 Butternut Squash, cut in half from stem to stern. Remove seeds.
  • Put in sprayed glass pan, cut side down
  • Bake 350 degrees for 40 min or so until squash is fork tender.
  • Scoop out pulp in a container
  • Add:
  • 1 or 2 Tablespoons Organic brown sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons of Earth Balance.
  • Add lots of fresh ground black Pepper
I used my immersion blender to blend everything nice and creamy.
This is really a healthy comfort food, and oh so very good.
Plus very easy.
Have a super day!