
Thursday, January 7, 2010

losing 50 lbs

More ideas on how I am going to lose this weight by spring.

Start logging.
I hate logging, but I know it really helps:
I plan on writing down everything I put in my mouth. Everything I eat, including what I eat on the run. So often I am not even aware of what I am doing. I probably will be shocked what I actually eat in a day when I do the logging.

Goal is to lose ten lbs a month-
Thats reasonable and healthy.
write on calender goal weight half way through month and at the end of month. Help me to keep on track.

I am quickly removing all foods in the home, that are not good for me, that where aquired over the Holidays.

Drink lots of water. I have a problem with this and need to be more aware of it.

Get back to exercising everyday. Even when I don't feel like it.
That is it for today-off to exercising.

1 comment:

  1. Great snow picture! How about going out and making some snow angels? That could burn some calories if you could get those arms and legs moving fast enough. It might be less boring than the exercise bike.
