
Thursday, March 4, 2010

CHIP Certifide

I was in Rockford IL. the last several days with Dr. Kay and became CHIP Certifide. Even though I've been helping facilitate the CHIP Class the last couple of years, I wanted to learn more so that I could be more effective in helping others and hopfully have my own class. I came home totally exhausted last evening, but I took time to go to the CHIP Alumni potluck.

I usually work out at least by 7 in the morning. I so wanted to sleep in this morning, as I was really tired..

But I did it- I got up and exercised 40 minutes on the tread mill, then did all the machines at Inches Away,which took another 45 minutes.

Felt so great when I was finished.

Our feelings are so fecal. Have to do what is right, that is the only way to be a winner.

I share this because I know their are so many others that feel like I did this morning. I will be 70 in May, If this very mature lady ( nice way of saying that I am getting old) can do it, so can you!!

Hang in their. Remember 21 days creates a new habit.

Oh yes, and this wonderful weather. It was so nice out today that I hung my wash out side on the clothes lines..

Hopefully on Saturday, I will get my first bike ride in for this year. Can't wait to start biking. It's a fun exercise, especially when you can do it with a friend!!!!!!

Enjoy the sunshine and warmer weather.

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