
Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Washington Trip

I have had the privilege and honor to travel with Dr. Diehl.
The top picture is after Dr. Lilly Diehl did a concert in a church in Richland Washington.. She is a concert pianist.
When she was finished I shared my story and how God used the CHIP program to heal my heart. I was on 10 meds, a oxygen tank and sleep machine. Only 1/6 of my heart was working. I had planned my funeral, wrote love letters to my six children, grand children and friends, as I new time was short. 2 cardiologists gave me less than a year to live. When I went to Marshfield, they removed 21 lbs of fluid from around my heart. They told me if I would have waited one more week to come to Marsfield, I probably would be dead.
Because of God's intervention, I am still here. Dr. Kay Theyerl send me to the CHIP program which was new in the area.
I was told in Marshfield,if I ever went off my meds, I would be dead. I am very much alive, and have been off all meds, oxygen tank and sleep machine for over a year and a half.
Back to my Washington story. We spoke at 16 or was it 18 different places. Hospitals,Diabetes Centers, High Schools, Rotary
Clubs, to a group of restaurant owners, church, etc,etc,. It was a whirl wind of a week.
I had the privilege of staying in a couples home, Dr.Jim and Peggy that lived on the Columbia River. What wonderful people.
On Sunday, Dr. Jim asked if I would like to fly in his airplane. ( picture above) Of course I did. While we where taxing out on the runway, I asked him if I could fly the plane. ( I was just teasing him) His comment was when we get in the air,of course you can.
I understand, take off and landing is the hardest part in flying an airplane.
After we where in the air for awhile, Jim said I could take over the controls. So I flew the plane over canyons, waterfalls, low mountains, Columbia River, Snake River. etc.
What an experience!!! I found myself with a very uneasy stomach after about 20 minutes. I decided to give the controls back to Jim as I was frantically looking for a plastic bag in the seat in front of me.
Wow, what an experience to fly his airplane. I would do it again in a heart beat if I had another chance.
It was way cool, in spite of my tummy upset.

I am going dancing tonight, will finish the rest of the story when I get back.
I am back. Had lots of fun dancing tonight.

I have had the privilege of traveling to Johnstown, Penn, Washington and Loma Linda California with Dr. Diehl this last year.
We are off to 3 ABN, to be on world wide television in a few weeks. Can't believe all that is happening. It is so exciting to be able to share my testimony with others, and hopefully help others in the process..
This was such a fun year, just wanted to share some of it with you. Hopefully this year will be full of lots of adventure.

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