
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Crisis Time

Dr. Kay and I came back from being on world wide television a couple of weeks ago.Because I have no immediate appointments with speaking with Dr. Diehl, I found my self looking to eat foods I shouldn't when we got back. I was struggling before I left, but behaved myself because I was going to be on TV.

Well that all changed when I got back. It was almost Easter and a very good friend gave me a Easter Basket containing Mint Girl Scout Cookies, Carmel Girl Scout Cookies and Black Jelly Beans. all my bad food temptations. I was really weak in the food area, but I was good and put them in the freezer with the intentions of giving them away on Easter.
Well I experience some emotional stuff and turned to those cookies for solace.
Bad! Bad! Bad! Once you get that sugar in your system, you crave way more. Sugar is addictive , you know.

Thank God Monday came, and we started the CHIP class. I also started the Jump Start on Monday, because I knew I would be introducing the Jump Start to the class and I'd better behave.

I also got back on my tread Mill which I had been off of for 2 weeks. Yikes, we sure get out of shape fast! My body was screaming not to exercise, but I did it anyway. So glad I did. What is it about exercising????? Some days you have to force yourself to do it, and today I couldn't wait to get on the tread mill. Went 40 minutes today at 3.8. I was going 60 min a few weeks ago, but I am thrilled to work my way back up and be this far. One day at a time. 21 days make a new habit.

I share this because, a friend made the comment, that everyone is watching me, to see what I do with this program.
Ouch!! But I know it's true. And also if you want to see me on the face of this earth I have to do it. My doctor told me if I went back to my old ways I probably won't make it a second time.
We all stumble and fall, just can't stay their, or it will become disaster, in every way!!!
That comment from my friend, was much needed. It got me back on the ball.

Hopefully bearing my soul will help too inspire you to get back on track also
Have a great day!! !!!!
I am hear if you need encouragement and a friend. Just leave a comment on my blog and I will answer. I soooooo understand your struggles.

Would like to share what a word of encouragement can do.
I was so beating myself up for several days, because of my lack of success on the program. Monday evening after class, someone from class, came to me and said. Verna, what a pretty name that is. ( No one has ever told me that I have a pretty name.) I felt like it was a God thing, and He was saying to me through this person, Verna it's O.K. you can do it.
Anyway that comment, and a special card from a special friend, who new I was struggling has help to get me back on the right track.
Go out and encourage someone today!! We never know what someone else is going through. Their day may be way worse than yours!

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