
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Memorial Park and Herbs

Last evening I had the privilege to take the CHIP Alumni to Memorial Park for a Herb Information Tour. Danette, did an excellent job, and was very informative on many different plants they had in their gardens.
If you have not visted Memorial Park, their is so much to see and do out their.

Thank you Rachael for your handout and your info on becoming a Master Gardener. Also Jean, thank you for your handout. It was so very informative.

Because it is so early in the season, the annual herbs in the garden where not planted yet. I picked up several that I thought would be of interest to everyone.

One of the neatest plants, that I brought along, was a Bay Leaf Bush. I have never seen one in this area. My plans are to put in in a bigger container, and this fall bring it into my home. Next summer I will plant it out side.

I am so excited about the bush as I use allot of Bay Leafs. I put them in my silverware drawers, in my glass containers of dried beans. On my grocery shelves that have rice, etc. Bay Leaf's are great for keeping small bugs out of your kitchen. I spread them around very generously as I am on a Vegan Health Program. You know we are not eating meat!!!

Fresh Bay Leaves are much more potent than dried leaves. If use in cooking, you may want to cut back some. Yes, you can use them fresh. They do not need to be dried.

If you are interested in buying a bush, I got it at Steins Garden Center for $11.95. Hopefully I will have it for many years too come. I understand the bush will get quite large.

If you are not using herbs in your cooking, they are a great salt re-placer, and will give you lots of flavor in your cooking. Remember, fresh herbs are added at the end of your cooking. You can use dried herbs in the beginning of cooking.

Do you know the difference between herbs and spices??
Spices-come from the bark of a tree, root or the fruit.
Herbs- come from the leaves and stems of a plant.

Go and be adventuresome, try a new herb, you will be so glad you did.

Italian Parsley would be a nice plant to start with. Also known as Flat Leaf Parsley. The Curly Parsley is way to bitter, so you may not want to go that route.

Parsley is wonderful to freeze. I have been doing it since the kids where babies. As you get an abundance of parsley, cut leaves from stems. Wash well and put in your blender. Cover with just enough water to agitate the blender. Freeze in ice cube trays. When frozen, put in freezer bags, be sure to mark what it is and also date it. Wonderful to use in soups, stews, or where ever parsley is desired. I have thawed and drained, the cubes and use in salads, etc, where fresh parsley is one of the ingredients desired.

(Of course save those stems for your broth bag.)

Have fun on your adventure.

Just a note. I loooooove fresh basil. But it is very persnickety to grow in this area, as it loves lots of heat. I have a son in Kansas and a son in Kentucky. They can grow beautiful basil. I am so pea green jealous, that they can grow such nice basil. Oh well, can't have it all!!!!
If you do try it, keep those blossoms picked off. Once flowers appear, the plant will die.

In case you are interested, I visited a garden center today where all their plants are organic. One of the things that I have been doing, rather then fill my planters (the ones that are hanging on the south side of my home) with flowers. I put organic cascading, cherry tomato plants in my planters. I put in several different varieties. (Which I got at FOXGLOVE)It is so great in the summer to step out my back door and have tomatoes at arms reach. Plus undesirable, little critters are not chewing on the fruit, as they would on the ground.

If interested, the name of the place is FOXGLOVE FARMS which is on W7255 Wege Rd. Hortonville WI. 54944 Phone number-920-757-9868.
If you go, mentioned that I sent you.
They also have beautiful hanging baskets and lots of perennials and annuals.

Make a road trip with someone special. You will enjoy it.

Have a marvelous day!!!!! You can only live this day once. Make a difference in someones life.!!!!!


  1. It is great that you have a blog, etc., and enjoy life and sharing it with others. Please consider checking your spelling before posting, though. Or, have someone check it first.

  2. I really enjoy reading your blog!!! Don't let comments about spelling get you down! If a few spelling errors are your worst problem, then you are in good shape! Keep up the great attitude, Verna - you're a real inspiration!

  3. I am so sorry that my spelling isn't always correct. My purpose for having a blog is not to impress you with my wonderful spelling, but to encourage and help you and others in the process of life. Have a great day!!!
