
Friday, May 21, 2010

Popcorn Krispies

When I was in California with Dr. Diehl, I met this really neat lady, who teaches the CHIP Class out their. This is one of the recipes she shared with her CHIP people.
Last night after our pot luck, I was asked to put the recipe on my blog. (The people like it, yeah)I did a little tweaking, but not too much.

Here goes:
Pop your popcorn first-so that it is ready when you need it.

In saucepan stir until melted:
1 cup peanut butter-I pour off the oil and add water to keep creamy.
1/2 cup honey

When smooth add following- stir until melted:

1 cup chocolate chips- I used 1 bag of Tropical Source semi-sweet chocolate chips-Gluten Free and Dairy Free (they are in a red bag) The reason for using 1 bag is I hate odds and ends in
my cupboard)
If stiff add 3/4-1 Tablespoon EVOO (optional)

Remove from heat:
1-2 teaspoons vanilla extract-not imitation
**4 cups of popped pop corn-(I used 6 cups)

Gently stir until well mixed.

Pat firmly down in sprayed 13-9" glass pan.
Cover and refrigerate
When set, cut into small pieces.

These are very rich
They also freeze well in freezer bags.


Oh yes, I popped my pop corn in a Crazy Popcorn Popper and did use a little oil.

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