
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tropical Cucumber Banana Salad

The flavors of this salad are amazing, and are a perfect combination of tangy and sweet, with just the right amount of bitter from the peppers.
This salad is best served on individual plates and not to mix in a bowl, as the crispness of the cucumber and the ripeness of the banana are key to the outcome.

Tropical Cucumber Banana Salad:

1 cup fresh orange juice
4 Tablespoons honey or Agave Nectar
1 Tablespoon Balsamic Vinegar
1 teaspoon Dijon Musturd
1 teaspoon crushed red chili peppers
Put in pint jar-or other glass container and shake well. Keep in frig and used as desired.

Sliced cucumbers
Sliced bananas
Toasted flaked coconut
Crushed macadamia nuts toasted-I used walnuts

Place cucumbers on a plate, cover with sliced bananas. Sprinkle with nuts and coconut.
Top with dressing.

Comments from Verna's test kitchen:
1-The original recipe had 1 cup lime juice, 4 Tablespoons of honey and 1 tsp of crushed red chili peppers. It was way to bitter for me. I changed it to the orange juice with extra ingredients. I felt this spiced it up, but it was palatable.
Make the dressing to your own taste.

This is so easy. The dressing can be made in advance-toast nuts and coconut-and you are ready to go!!!

Have a super great day.

Monday, June 28, 2010

I have tried several new recipes over the weekend, that I think you will enjoy. Will get them to you either tonight or tomorrow as I need to make a few changes.

Healthy Hot Cereal

I got this recipe out of April's Vegetarian Magazine. I love the recipe just the way it is. I am eating this as it as I type this recipe. It has a real nutty consistency to it. It's a nice change from my muesli.
And oh so easy and quick.

Healthy Hot Cereal
2/3 cup Amaranth
1/2 cup millet

chopped apples
chopped walnuts
shredded coconut
flax seed
Agave Nectar-optional.
Any of the above or what ever you choose,

1-Bring amaranth and millet and 4 cups of water to boil. Cover reduce heat to medium low and simmer 25 minutes or until all liquid is absorbed.
2-Serve with toppings of choice.

Comments from Verna's test kitchen:
1-I am really enjoying this for a change. It is real nutty, and very filling.
I added Sunflower Kernel's that I have it my freezer. That makes it even more nutty, Put dried cranberries in also. Had fresh blueberries in frig so topped with that.

If you like creamy and smooth cereal you will not like this. If chewy is your thing, give this a try.

Have a super wonderful day. Enjoy this wonderful weather in the 70's this week.
Remember I would love your comments.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Corn Quinoa Salad

I got this recipe out of Vegetarian Times Magazine the July and August issue.
It is quite good.
The next day I decided it was just tooooo flat for my taste, so I add some ingredients to make it come alive. I now really enjoy it. Check note on bottom,

1 cup quinoa, rinsed and drained
1/2 tsp salt-I did not use
1 1/2 cups corn-fresh or frozen
1 1/2 cups of halved cherry or grape tomatoes
1 cup finely chopped red cabbage
1 cup diced cucumber-I peeled it and used more

1/2 cup EVOO-I used 1/4 cup
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
3 Tablespoons maple syrup
1 Tablespoon Dijon Mustard
1 tsp. salt-I used 1/2 tsp

1-Bring quinoa, water, salt to boil. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover and simmer about 20 minutes or until water is absorbed.
2-Cook corn 1 minute. Rinse under cold water and drain well.
3-Stir together quinoa, tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers and corn.
4-To make dressing: Mix all ingredients together in a blender until smooth. Stir into salad.

Comments from Verna's test kitchen:
1-I add fresh ground black pepper to the dressing.
2-Do not substitute the Dijon mustard-it desperately needs it in this recipe. In fact I used a whisker more.
3-Note-the next day,I decided it was just to flat so I added some Balsamic Vinegar mixed with honey to give it some oomph. When you leave the salt out of recipes, (which I did) You despertely need to get flavor in other ways.

Have a super wonderful day. Enjoy the sun!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Red Peppers

Woodman's has there red peppers on sale 2 for $1.00
green peppers are 39 cents

What a deal!!!
Now is the time to roast and freeze for future use.

Have a super day!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Just wanted to let you know. I was at Woodman's yesterday and they still have their big sale on in the Natural Food Aisle. That would be aisle's 21 and 22. Now is the time to stock up.

Have a wonderful day. Hope your doing great!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Vincent and Nana

This is one of my favorite pictures of my youngest grandson and myself.
The reason that I like this picture is that this 70 year old grandma was able to climb the slide and go down it with my grandson. That would have been an impossible task a few years ago.
This picture was taken earlier this spring.
Thank God for CHIP.
Have a fun day. Laugh with someone.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bike Riding

Today, Sunday, we went bike riding in Manitowoc.
We started at Eight Street, which is the beginning of the trail and rode to, Two Rivers and back.
What an absolutely perfect day to have done this.
The sky was a beautiful blue, with big fluffy Cumulus Clouds to the left of us, long thin Stratus Clouds to the right of us, while above we experienced the feathery wispy Cirrus Clouds. It was a picture perfect day with no wind. Of course being in Manitowoc it was in the low 70's, which is my kind of weather.
The ride around the Marina, all the way to Two Rivers is a delightful ride, with paved trails. You see more shoreline in this area then any other place around Lake Michigan.
Oh yes, we saw two young adults riding trikes. The trikes had no seat on them. They had to stand up and peddle. The wheels where roller blades. They said it was a really good work out. Found it to be very interesting. I will stick with my bike!!!

Yesterday we rode our bikes from Allensville to the University of Wisconsin in Oshkosh. Stopped in Oshkosh at Fratello's for a vegetarian pizza.
Most of the ride is on the Wiouwash Trail. It was windy, hot, and humid. If it had not been for the trees along the trail, it could have been a very uncomfortable ride.

On Friday, starting from our homes, (by the Fox River Mall) we road our bikes to the West American Drive Trail. We then road over the Trestle Trail in Menasha, to Jefferson Park. This is one of my favorite trails as it is all paved, all the way to the Trestle Trail. Jefferson Park, being along the water, makes for a very pretty ride. By the time we get back home it makes for a 20 mile, plus bike ride.

Bike riding is just so much fun. Every time Mary and I go out, it is a new adventure.

My Youngest Grand Daughter

This is my youngest grand daughter. Isn't she just way too cute????? Don't you love that expression on her face?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sue at Festival Foods on Northland

Just want to thank Sue, in the Natural Food Department at Festival on Northland for her wonderful job of getting in items that we all want.
You have done a fabulous job, Sue.

If you go there and their is something you want and she doesn't have it, let her know and she will get it for you.
It is so nice to come to your department and find pretty much every thing that we are looking for.

We all very much appreciate the great job you are doing.

Have a super day.

Roasted Vegetables Bread Lasagna

I know this is off the wall, but I tried it this week and thought it really good. I am not too fond of lasagna noodles in my lasagna. They are just kind of their and don't add allot of flavor.

Roasted Vegetables Bread Lasagna

1 loaf of pre-sliced crusty sourdough bread
vegetables of choice-onions, garlic, red and green peppers eggplant, zucchini, cherry tomatoes or whatever you have.
About 4 1/2 cups of sauce of your choice

  1. I sprinkled my bread slices with garlic,
  2. I dried my bread out in the oven 250 degrees about 1/2 hour or until dry. ( you could put the bread in the oven the day before, with oven off and it will dry just fine)
  3. Chop all vegetables in bite size pieces, (except garlic, I did finer).
  4. Put on 2 sprayed cookie sheets.
  5. Drizzle lightly with EVOO. I used Tuscon Oil.
  6. Sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper. Mix well with hands.
  7. Roast in oven at 425 degrees, for about 45 minutes, turning once.
  8. You want the vegetables to be nice and golden brown.

    To assemble:
    1-In glass 9 by 13 inch pan, pour about 1 1/2 cups of sauce of choice in pan and spread out.
    2-Top with toasted bread. (Using 1/2 of the bread) Do as you would do with lasagna noodles. Do not overlap.
    3-Put half of the roasted vegetables over the bread. I had Basil leaves that I chopped and sprinkled over the top of the vegetables.
    4-Repeat layers
    5-Make sure to end with sauce, spread well to cover bread and vegetables.
    6-Bake 400 degrees for about 45 minutes. Remove from oven, leave sit 10 minutes before serving.

    Be adventuresome and give it a try. It's really good.

    Comments appreciated.

    Have a super wonderful day.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Nutty Chocolate Banana Pops

I'm sure others have done this before me. I had grand kids over yesterday, and did this for them for a special summer treat. If you have small children or grandchildren, give this a try.

Banana Pops:
1-3-4 banana ( or whatever you have) peeled, cut banana in half length wise.
2-Push Popsicle stick in the cut end of banana
3-Roll banana in melted choc chips of choice-add touch of EVOO if necesary to thin.
4-Roll chocolate bananas in finely chopped nuts, while chocolate is still wet


Put on a flat pan to freeze. When frozen wrap bananas individually to keep from getting freezer burn.

Enjoy with the little ones!!!

Have a wonderful day.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

New Copp's Store

I went to the new Copp's store that opened today, on Memorial Drive in Appleton. (where Valley Fair used to be)
It was a crazy place to be today. It seemed like everyone in town was their.

It is a big beautiful store. Their produce department was very extensive and nice. Lots of cool items that I had not seen before.

I asked about the Natural Food Aisle, and where it was. Aisle 3 on the right hand side, as you go to the back of the store, was the reply. Upon checking it out I found it to be very incomplete. When I question it, I was told most of the items where scattered through out the store.
I sure can understand why this is done. I am sure that it is good for sales. I find that I am way too busy to hunt around the store for what I want.

The employees where wonderful. Which on such a busy day says allot about the store. I am anxious to go back when it is not so crazy.

Check it out. As I said earlier, it is a beautiful store.

Have a great weekend!!!!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Let's go Biking!!!!

Laurie and Jeff asked if some of us could get together and go biking this summer. We could do the Fox River State Trail, which is a delightful, interesting, fun trail. Info on a previous blog. (March 20th)
How about a Saturday or Sunday afternoon!!! We could pack a picnic lunch and eat along the way. Maybe June 26 or 27 th! Of course families included.
Let's do it!! It would be lots of fun. Summer will be over before we know it. Please leave comment if your interested. We don't need lot of people to do this, but it sure would be nice if you would join us!!!! So come on you people, let's have some fun!!!! If you would rather email me it is,

We talkd about it last year and it never happened. This is the summer of happenings.

In regards to the above mentioned trail. We usually get on in Greenleaf. But you could join us anywhere along the path.

See you their!!!!!!!

Easy Mexican Chocolate Sauce

My special friend Jean, stopped by today, and brought me a jar of Easy Mexican Chocolate Sauce. It is oh so very good!! I would love to put it on top of my Peanut Butter Ice Cream, Vanilla Ice Cream or dip strawberries in it.

Jean got this recipe from Vegetarian Journal, Issue 2 2009.


1/2 cup cashew butter
1/4 cup raw organic agave nectar
2 Tablespoons cocoa powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper-This is excellent in this recipe
1/4 water or amount necessary to achieve a thick sauce

Mix all ingredients together in a blender. Process until thick and creamy.

This sauce can be made a day ahead and stored covered in the refrigerator.

Thanks Jean for sharing. It is excellent.

This is my recipe for Peanut Butter Ice Cream.

1 cup soy milk
2 cups soy creamer
**3/4 cup peanut butter
3/4 cup brown sugar- I used 1/2 cup
1 Tablespoon Vanilla Extract-No imitation allowed


1-Mix soy milk, soy creamer, peanut butter and brown sugar in saucepan and cook over low heat.
Once mixture comes to a boil, remove from heat and add vanilla
2- Refrigerate mixture in glass container,2-3 hours minimum
3-Freeze according to your ice cream freezers instructions.

From Verna's Test Kitchen:
I used Krema Creamy Peanut Butter, with 0 sodium in it. Also I poured all the oil off of the peanut butter, to help get rid of some of the fat.

The above sauce would be really good on this ice cream,
Note- the peanut butter ice cream called for 1/2 cup jam, to be folded into the ice cream the last minute. With the sauce the jam would be way to much.

Has anyone tried any
of these ice cream recipe????? Interested in your comments.

Wouldn't it be fun to get together and have and ice cream social with the family this summer. We could do it at a park or someones back yard. Everyone could bring a healthy sorbet or ice cream. (I have lots more recipes to share)
Anyone interested?????? Let me know!!!!!

Have a marvelous day!!!!

Fingerling Potato Fries

I got a really great deal on some fingerling potatoes, and decided to make some fries with some of the potatoes.
After scrubbing and drying them, all I did was cut them in half. The larger ones I cut into quarters.
Put sliced potatoes in a sprayed glass pan. I lightly drizzled Tuscan Oil over the potatoes, sprinkled with fresh Rosemary, (that I stripped off the stem,) or seasongins of your choice. Add some fresh ground black pepper.
Mix well.

Bake 425 degrees for 45 minutes or until golden brown, turning once.

Dip into your favorite (low sodium, low fat) sauce.

Quick and easy and very tasty.

Have a fabulous day.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rabbits, Rabbits and more Rabbits.

The rabbits don't know it, but I planted the vegetable garden for myself and to share with others. The rabbits must think I planted the garden for them. As fast as I plant something they eat it. I planted soy bean plants last week, within a couple of hours the tops where chewed off.

What happened to my watermelon and muskmelon plants. Replanted them 3 times!!! Yikes, I have better things to do.

Those beans and peas- they will be gone before they are even up.

Was going to put a fence around to keep the rabbits out. Problem is, I also have wild turkeys and deer that also love to feast in my garden . How big and extensive do I need to go with a fence, to keep all these cute, impossible animals out?????

When all else fails, go back to basics.
I took one egg white, put in my blender with a quart of water, blended, put in spray bottle and sprayed my plants with it. The rabbits hate it. Keep extras in frig for next use.Only problem, after each rain I need to respray.

Oh well, is this the price I need to pay to stay healthy????????? Or is it?????

Farmers markets sound a lot easier at this time.

Have a super wonderful day.

Watermellon Sorbet

I have been having lots of fun this weekend experimenting with ice cream and sorbets. Wish I had someone to cook for as most of what I am making, is going in my freezer.

Recipe for Watermellon Sorbet:

4 cups processed watermelon. I took 6-8 cups of diced watermelon and put in my food processor-process until smooth.
1/4 cup sugar-Next time I will leave this out. Does not need sugar.
zest of one large lime
pinch of salt- salt enhances flavors. also adds sodium-so I did not use
1/2 cup agave nectar-next time I will use only 1/4 cup


1-In kettle put in 1 cup processed watermelon, zest of the lime and also the sugar. Cook on low heat until sugar is dissolved.
2- Add the other 3 cups of processed watermelon and agave nectar. Stir with whisk until well mixed.
3-*Put in metal container and freeze overnight. I have a problem with metal, and put the mixture in ice cube trays. At least the first batch. The second batch I did use a metal container as I had no more ice cube trays.
4-The next morning, remove from freezer leave sit for 5 minutes, then puree in food processor until smooth. The mixture got really hard in the ice cube trays. If you do do it this way make sure the cubes are processed thoroughly. Hate to admit, but it was much easier to work with, in the metal containers, Uggg!!

Don't eat to fast or you will get a headache!!!!!!!

From Verna's Test Kitchen:
I felt it was way too sweet, so I left out the agave nectar out in the second batch and mixed the 2 batches together.
The next time I make it, I would like to leave out all sugar and most of the agave nectar, and see how it tastes. Watermelon is so sweet in itself, that I don't feel it needs extra sweetener.
Whatever you do --enjoy!!!!
Let me know if you try it, and how it turned out for you. Please leave comment.

** Watermelon contains lycopene. This is an antioxidant which is believed to reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases.

Using my ice cream machine, I made a peanut butter-jelly ice cream and also a chocolate mint ice cream. Today I am going to try a orange ice cream.
I need too have a ice cream tasting party. Want to come????????
Will tell you more about the recipe's later. Yes --these are recipes using healthy ingredients.

ummmm so very refreshing.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Chocolate Banana Roll Up

I used to make these quite frequently when I first got into CHIP, and forgot about them until Cindy brought her recipe to the potluck last evening.
Cindy I would love your recipe.

I take a Fat Flush Tortilla-which I get at Festival Foods, in the Natural Food Aisle, in the freezer
I put Dark Chocolate Dreams. down the center of tortilla-Found at Woodman's in a pint jar-called Peanut Butter and Co.
Put a banana on top of the chocolate and roll up and enjoy.

Yummy, yummy

Orange Sherbet

If you go to my March 31st posting, you will find my orange sherbet recipe. I do not usually use the orange zest in my sherbet, as it can get bitter, especially if you got some pitch in your zesting.For the pot luck tonight, I used all soy milk, instead of water and it makes it more like an ice cream.

I have always made this in a food processor and it has turned out great. Because I am now a proud owner of an ice cream machine. I did run it through the ice cream machine, after it came out of the food processor. This adds air to the mixture, which hopefully will make it lighter.
This step is not necessary. Just experimenting.

Hope to have lots of healthy ice cream recipes on my blog, now that I have the ice cream machine. It's a Cuisinart Ice Cream Machine, purchased at Sam's Club, and is suppose to be one of the better ones. Not sure on the cost as it was a gift.

Spinach Salad with Orange Vinaigrette

Laurie brought this recipe to our potluck tonight and it was great. Their where many other foods their that I did not get a chance to try as I was trying too help make things run smoothly.

2 large oranges zested and juiced
2 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 clove garlic, peeled- I would probably pick out really large ones
1/2 teaspoon salt- I probably would not put this in the recipe
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1/2 cup EVOO-I probably would use 1/4 cup of oil + 1/4 cup water (optional)
10-12 oz. prewashed spinach or romaine

Options: dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, walnuts, drained mandarin oranges, grape tomatoes, maybe shredded carrots. and/or sliced red onions.

1- In blender, combine the orange zest, orange juice, vinegar, honey, garlic, salt-if using and pepper. Blend until smooth. ( with blender running) add EVOO in steady stream until combined.
2-Transfer to a glass container with cover and store in refrigerator.
3-To serve, put spinach in large bowl. Add vinaigrette just before serving and any of the options.

Thanks Laurie for sharing. It was excellent.

* From Verna's test Kitchen:
I just made this recipe. I toasted the walnuts, which add's more earthy flavor.
I did add half water to the oil, which did not change the flavor, but removed allot of fat. I also doubled the recipe as I have lots of spinach in my garden.
This recipe is oh soooooooo very good. If you have not tried it, it is a must!!!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Alumni Pot luck

It was so wonderful too see everyone at the pot luck this evening.

Wasn't the food great??? It's always so much fun too try all the new food items, that everyone brings.

You are all so very special too me!!!! It's always so great to see you. Missed those that where not their.

Bar-B-Que Baked Lentils

I got this recipe from Meatout Mondays.
I thought this recipe was excellent the fourth time around. Had to make some changes. Explain later.

1 cup dried lentils
1/2 red onion-diced
2 garlic cloves, chopped fine-I use 4-I love garlic.
2 Tablespoons Balsamic Vinegar
1 Tablespoon dark brown sugar-I used a brown healthy sugar natural sugar.
1 Tablespoon molasses
1/4 cup catchup-I used Hunt's 100% Natural-No High Fructose Corn Syrup-with no sodium.
1/4 cup Dijon Mustard
1/2 cup barbecue sauce-use a low sodium sauce

1-Cook lentils-30-40 minutes in boiling water-drain
2-Saute onion. Add garlic, saute 2 more minutes.
3-Add rest of ingredients, cook 5 more minutes
4- Pour over lentils. Put in baking dish.
Bake 350-45 minutes -I didn't cover them.

I doubled the recipe.

The original recipe called for 2 Chipotle Peppers in Adobe Sauce-chopped.
Wayyyyyyy to hot for me. They where really HOT!!!!! Was going to take the beans to a Memorial Day Picnic. I made 3 more double batches to tone down the heat.I have lots of hot BBQ beans in my freezer.

I would like to try this recipe using other beans.

I am interested in what you thought of this recipe.

I plan on bringing this recipe to the Alumni Potluck this evening.