
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Watermellon Sorbet

I have been having lots of fun this weekend experimenting with ice cream and sorbets. Wish I had someone to cook for as most of what I am making, is going in my freezer.

Recipe for Watermellon Sorbet:

4 cups processed watermelon. I took 6-8 cups of diced watermelon and put in my food processor-process until smooth.
1/4 cup sugar-Next time I will leave this out. Does not need sugar.
zest of one large lime
pinch of salt- salt enhances flavors. also adds sodium-so I did not use
1/2 cup agave nectar-next time I will use only 1/4 cup


1-In kettle put in 1 cup processed watermelon, zest of the lime and also the sugar. Cook on low heat until sugar is dissolved.
2- Add the other 3 cups of processed watermelon and agave nectar. Stir with whisk until well mixed.
3-*Put in metal container and freeze overnight. I have a problem with metal, and put the mixture in ice cube trays. At least the first batch. The second batch I did use a metal container as I had no more ice cube trays.
4-The next morning, remove from freezer leave sit for 5 minutes, then puree in food processor until smooth. The mixture got really hard in the ice cube trays. If you do do it this way make sure the cubes are processed thoroughly. Hate to admit, but it was much easier to work with, in the metal containers, Uggg!!

Don't eat to fast or you will get a headache!!!!!!!

From Verna's Test Kitchen:
I felt it was way too sweet, so I left out the agave nectar out in the second batch and mixed the 2 batches together.
The next time I make it, I would like to leave out all sugar and most of the agave nectar, and see how it tastes. Watermelon is so sweet in itself, that I don't feel it needs extra sweetener.
Whatever you do --enjoy!!!!
Let me know if you try it, and how it turned out for you. Please leave comment.

** Watermelon contains lycopene. This is an antioxidant which is believed to reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases.

Using my ice cream machine, I made a peanut butter-jelly ice cream and also a chocolate mint ice cream. Today I am going to try a orange ice cream.
I need too have a ice cream tasting party. Want to come????????
Will tell you more about the recipe's later. Yes --these are recipes using healthy ingredients.

ummmm so very refreshing.

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