
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Convention-Rode the Glacial Drumlin Trail

September 16-17-2010

What a wonderful couple of days.
I attended a convention that was so enlighting.

Always the best part of these conventions is meeting new and wonderful people. I sat next to a young man (didn't know who he was). Turns out he lived just down the road and spend time out in Long's empty field playing baseball, etc., with my kids and neighbor kids. What a small world. Also sat next to a lady for dinner, who also was from Appleton.

I went down to Pewaukee for the convention and stayed overnight. My bike riding friend, Mary came with. She drove because the bikes fit nice on the rack on the back of her car.

On Friday we rode the Glacial Drumlin Trial. It runs 52 miles from Waukesha to Madison.
No we didn't go that far, but I sure wish we could have. Stay over night in Madison and have come back today.

With summer coming to an end, we couldn't have asked for a nicer day. It was forecast to be 71 degrees, with very little wind. Yeah!!! Little wind makes bike riding so much easier.

We started in Waukesha and rode to Sullivan. It was just a little over 20 miles one way, so we ended up putting on 40 plus miles.
The trail was just great. About 15 miles of the bike trail was paved, which makes for easy riding. The rest of the way it was packed down surface, which made it nice.

The trail meandered through trees and over several bridges. One of the bridges had rail road ties as the support.
Because of the many trees, we encountered many species of birds. Their singing and chirping was very enjoyable.
Even though this part of the country is very hilly, the bike trail was relatively flat.
The scenery was spectacular. With the rolling hills to either side of us, we saw some of the most gorgeous farm land and beautiful homes on top of the hills. Must be fun to live up so high. Sure won't have to worry about a flooded basement!!

We met 2 waaaaay younger woman who where biking from Madison to Chicago, which is a 100 mile trip one way. They packed very light, ate at resturants along the way, staying overnight in hotels. They where traviling 50 miles a day which would be a 4 day treck. Doesn't that sound like fun???? I would love to do something like that, if I could find someone who is adventuresome and likes bike riding.

It turned out to be one of the most delightful trails that we have been on. Even thou we went 40 plus miles, I was not tired and wanted to do more. Which I was told NO WAY!!!!!

Last weekend we did 31 miles from Forest Juntion to DePere round trip, and almost died because of the strong winds.

The only sad part of these last two days was I had to miss the Chip's last class which was the pot luck.
What a delightful class we had again. The people where and are just wonderful. I had a hard time telling them good-bye. On Tuesday pm. I kept my good bye short as I knew I would have been in tears otherwise. (That's how great they where)
Hope they all come to the alumni meetings as I will really miss them if they don't. Plus all the other classes from the past. You are all so important to me and also to the success of the alumni classes.

Well , I came home to some potatoes that need to be used up, so in between babysitting for my wonderful 3 year old grandson today, I hope to make some Cream of Potatoe Soup.
If it turns out, I will post it later today.

Have a super wonderful day!!!

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