
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I Appreciate You!

I am posting this for everyone, but especially to the CHIP Alumni.
I just want to tell you how very much I appreciate you, and how special each and everyone one of are to me. I basically share this with the CHIP Class the last class, but want to share it with you again. For the most part, the greater majority of you come to the first class and I do not know you. By the last class you have become very special to me! You come in, some of you embracing CHIP and some of you not liking it at first. But then I see you make wonderful choices in your life, which means the world to me. You turn your health around and lots of you, lose weight in the process.
That is so exciting for me to witness!!!! I have the best job in the world, helping to facilitate CHIP, and seeing these miracles happen.
I share this with you, because especially again today, those feelings are very strong. about how I feel toward each and every one of you.
I lost my older sister today. She had heart problems about the same time I did, but chose a different route to go with her life. How I thank God that Dr. Kay Theyerl, gave me the option of the CHIP Program. I know that I would not be on the face of this earth if it were not for CHIP.
To all of you precious Alumni people, keep up the good work. If you stumble, which we all do from time to time, tomorrow is a new day. Just as long as you don't stay down, you are a winner!!!!
Falling from time to time, may actually make us stronger, as we can evaluate why we fell and next time make better choices.
With tomorrow being Thanksgiving, we all have so much to thank God for.
Go and enjoy the good food, do your best, and remember, it's not just the food, but treasure all of your loved ones that you will see. None of us know just how long we will be on the face of this earth.
Stay on the program, 'cause I want you here for a very long time.
Again, you are all very special to me, keep up the good work.


  1. Sorry about your sister. . . and I am very thankful for you, your dedication to CHIP and your wonderful blog. God bless you Verna and try to enjoy your un-turkey day.

  2. The above "anonymous" is ME, Verna. . .Jean. Thinking of you in your loss and keeping you in my prayers. Love U. . . .
