
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Who Are You?

Just a thought for today.

You are either making your life happen-or letting life happen to you!

You are either the Champion of your life-or a victim of your life!

When the way you think or feel about yourself is dependent on outside sources-you are not in charge of the direction of your life.

Remember--YOU ARE SPECIAL!!!!

Of over a billion people in this world, there is no one just like you. Be glad that you are you!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Even my twin sister is not "just like me" although, outwardly, we may look the same, talk & laugh the same & have other "samenesses".
    We are definitely T W O separate individuals and we celebrate & enjoy our uniquenesses. Thank you God for making us alike and yet different!! Thank you Verna for your words of wisdom!!
