
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas is 15 days from now!

Do you know that Christmas will be here in 15 days!!!!

I refuse to have a weight gain over the Holidays. So how am I going to prevent this from happening?

This is my goal; hopefully it will help you also.

Find a buddy that has the same goal as you, an be accountable to one another.
The problem is not in the mouth, but the head, make a commitment that you can and will
do the following:

  1. Keep track of everything you put in your mouth.
  2. Eat lots of fresh vegetables and canned/dry beans.
  3. Stay away from the breads and pasta.
  4. Drink lots of water. Many times when we think we are hungry, a big drink of water will satisfy.
  5. Commit to exercise every day!! If possible, do it right away in the morning. By evening it is to easy to have an excuse of why you can't do it.
  6. Don't have food in the house that you shouldn't be eating. If it is their, you will eat it until it is gone. I know I do it.
  7. Don't be making food that you shouldn't eat, especially if it is something you like. Making Christmas candy and cookies would cause me a lot of trouble, so I don't do it.
  8. If healthy food is available in the refrigerator an freezer, it will make it so much easier
    for you to be successful. When cooking healthy food make a double batch, and freeze
  9. Take just one day at a time. Have a long term, short term goals. But take one day at a time, sometimes an hour at a time.
  10. Call on your buddy for encouragement.
  11. Last but not least is, call out to God for help. He cares about you and wants to help you.

Remember we all fail from time to time. Your a winner as long as you pick yourself back up and continue on.

My goal is to be 10 lbs lighter, when Jan 2 comes around. We can all do it with some prayer, planning and commitment to your goal. You will be thrilled that you did, when we come into 2011. Plus you will feel so much better. Doesn't that sound great!!!!!!

Go and have a great day and be a winner!!! You can do it!!!!!!

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