
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

January CHIP Class-2011

Come and join Heidi and I for the January CHIP Class. You will be so thrilled you did.

So many including myself have turned their health around, because of this wonderful program. I would not be here if CHIP had not come into my life. Any money I spend to attend the class was returned totally within a few months, as I am off of my 10 meds., oxygen tank and sleep machine (which I hated.)
Come and join us! Besides turning your health around, and learning a healthy way to eat, you will probably lose weight in the six week period and not go hungry in the process. Does that not sound to good to be true!!!!!!!!

We would love to see you in class. Classes will be, January 10 through February 24, 2011. We will be at AMC Hospital, in the Ironwood Room. Classes start at 6:30.
Alumni, you know you can return for a refresher course, for a greatly reduced price. It would be great to have you back.

Call (920) 830-6877 or (800) 236-2236.

See you in class!

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