
Tuesday, January 4, 2011


It's a new year, and again those New Years Resolutions.

Why is it always so often the resolutions have to do with weight??
Will I ever accomplish and get to where I want to be with my weight? It seems like it was just a year ago, and I was asking myself the same question.

I spent the last year, wanting to lose weight. but didn't really do what it takes to get to my goal.
I stretch the CHIP program a little too much, and didn't accomplish what I wanted to. I justify myself, with well I didn't gain my weight back. (That sure would have happen on another program.)

I decided this morning that, that excuse is no longer good enough.
So as of today, I am committed to lose 40 lbs. My goal is to do it by the end of June.
That's doable, isn't it???
But it means total commitment. No more half way or three quarter of the way for me. For me that doesn't work.

  • The Jump Start is my first goal. I want to break those sugar and salt addictions. After one week of being on the Jump Start I can accomplish that goal.
  • I cancelled any "out to eat" engagement, I had this week.
  • Stop snitching in the evening. This is my greatest struggle.
  • I am going to log, everything that I put in my mouth. How shocking that can be sometimes, what I eat and don't even know it.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Make sure CHIP approved food is always available.
  • Exercise!! Why is it when we do it, we feel so great, and yet we can stop and it is so hard to get back on track. I love bicycle riding, when the weather permits. Just not the same on a stationary bike. As I mentioned yesterday, I went back to Inches Away. I can go free until the end of the month, and it's just down the street. I love the fellowship, and it helps me to stay on track.
  • I will keep all food out of the house that is not CHIP approved.
  • The problem is in my head, not my mouth.
  • I am going to accomplish my goal this time.
  • I will take one day at a time, always keeping my goal in mind.
  • When I fail I will not beat myself up, but just get back on track.
The CHIP program is the only program that has made this possible for me.

I will keep in touch with you on my progress as well as my failures. But as long as my progress is greater by far than my failures, I am doing well.

Hope this helps you also.

Have a super day.

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