
Monday, June 27, 2011

Some one in the last class asked me, What do you do all day???

I removed my Hosta's from other areas and planted them around this tree. there will be lots of grass planted here when all is prepared properly.

This entire area was about 4-6" deep with pea gravel. My bike riding friend Mary who is also 71 years old and I removed most of this and put it around my garden, grape vines. flower beds etc. Thank you Jim T, and Donny K. for giving us some help. You have no idea how much I appreciate all your help.
Some young friends, Debbie and Ron H. came to help out when we started this project. At that point we where all overwhelmed with the project at hand. It has all been rotter tilled and waiting for a load of black ground to plant this area into grass.

Behind the shed was a dumping ground for old tires, bricks, large rocks, you get the idea or anything where I didn't know where to go with it. This last winter a woodchuck decided to make his home in that menagerie of a mess. To get rid of him, I decided we needed to get rid of his home. With a lot of help from Mary, we cleaned it all out and planted it in grass. Yikes what a job!!!

This is my 6 foot fence that Mary and I put up the end of May. Noticed the gravel we put all the way around the garden. We needed this high fence to keep the wild turkey and deer out. We then put up a lower fence to keep the rabbits out. My gate is a screen door that I picked up for $2.00. I just slide it too and fro when I want to get into the garden.

More gravel that we put around a flowerbed, transformed into a Rhubarb, veggie bed.

Off to the right is a waterfall that my Mike is taking down. This path went around the side of the house.
Everything is going to be removed to put this all back into grass. Can't keep it all up anymore.

There was a fence off to the right. Yesterday Mary and I got this far with taking down the fence. Mary has been such a huge help, everyday she has been here helping me with her big muscles to get this project finished.

Early this morning I removed
the 7 fence post that where around the flower garden. Thank God they where not cemented in.

I can't believe that I was able to do that.
This evening I took the pile of pavers off to the left and put them in my Herb Garden. These pavers where in the path and needed to be removed.

Why am I telling you all of this???

In the last class someone asked me what I did with myself all day.
Besides doing this I have been making garden ornaments to sell, keeping my house clean.

Oh yes, also trying new recipes to put on my blog . Plus bike riding and trying to have a life!! What is that again ????? I am not sure I know what a life is anymore.

I usually find myself more work then I can handle.

So back to the question, what do I do all day?

It may not always be yard work. But needless to say, I find myself always need deep in some project.

If this is the kind of energy CHIP gives me, I will never go off the program. Can you believe I am 71 years young (some days feel like a thousand) and have done this!! Miracle of miracles!

Just an update on Verna's summer!

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