
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Stuffed Zucchini Blossoms

Male Zucchini Blossom

Just before baking

After Baking!!!

I am having friends in for a birthday Party next week and wanted to try something different.

These are stuffed Zucchini Blossoms. You can use the male or female blossom but if you use the female you will not have any zucchini. Use the male blossom just make sure you leave a few blossoms for pollination. The top picture is a male blossom. they are on stems. the female blossom have the zucchini coming out of it.

Pick your blossoms early in the morning, wash the blossoms, remove stamen. Dry on paper towel and then refrigerate in a plastic bag with some paper toweling it it to absorb the extra water that may be in the blossom. Most recipes for stuffed zucchini blossoms are deep fried. I did not want the fat from the frying so decided to bake the zucchini blossoms and try this before the party to see how they turned out. I will be serving them as an appetizer.

Zucchini blossoms can be used in fresh salads, in stir fries, soups etc, etc. I wanted to stuff the blossoms as that sounded the most intriguing. I went on the web and found lots of recipes deep fried and came up with this recipe.

I am going to serve this recipe as a appetizer-should be fun.


12 zuchini blossoms cleaned and stamen removed

  • 1 cup daiya mozzarella cheese or and vegan cheese that you like that melts.

  • 1 garlic clove finely chopped

  • 1 green onion with some of the greens -chopped fine

  • 3 large white mushrooms-chopped fine

  • 8 fresh basil leaves-chopped fine

  • pinch of grated nutmeg.

  • pinch of black pepper.

  • egg replacer

  • low sodium panco crumbs


  1. Turn oven to 400 degrees

  2. clean and dry the zucchini blossoms.

  3. Saute green onion, garlic and mushrooms in a sprayed pan.

  4. remove from heat and add fresh chopped basil. when cool add the cheese.

  5. Stir well

  6. Mix egg replacer to equal 6 eggs. Let stand for 5 minutes before using.

  7. Stuff blossoms with 2 Tablespoons of mixture.

  8. Roll the petals back up.

  9. Roll in egg replacer and them in the Panko Crumbs.

  10. Place the blossoms in a sprayed glass pan. Sprinkle very lightly with salt. Spray blossoms lightly with oil.

  11. Bake 400 degrees for 15-25 minutes or until the blossoms have turned brown around the edges and are crispy.

  12. Serve immediately.


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