
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Can you believe we are celebrating another New Year. Where oh where does the time go!!
It seems like 2011 just flew by. with such a late spring that we had, and July being hot and humid, (which kept me indoors a lot), it just seeded like Fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas where upon us way too soon.

Well it is 2012, if we want it to be or not, it is here!!!
I so wish everyone a wonderful, Blessed New Year. May this year be even better than last year for you.

One of my goals for me this year is to get down to the weight that I should be at. CHIP is a wonderful program that saved my life and I highly recommend it. The trouble I have been having is I was on the far-stretching end of CHIP to see how much I could get away with. Not good, as I did put on weight.

This year, my goal is to eat more raw foods as grown. (which I should have been doing all along) and which is CHIPS motto. I did it the first few years of CHIP which was very successful for me.

Anyway I am back on track today-January 1. Actually I had been doing it the last six weeks and lost 20 lbs. Christmas Holidays was difficult as I had 10 places to go to. I am suppose to be at friends today watching the Packer Game (with friends, I saw yesterday) so I am bowing out and getting back on track as I feel lousy from eating foods that I shouldn't have been eating.

I will be posting more CHIP, closer to raw recipes on my blog in the future.
Dr. Diehl would highly approve, especially if we need to lose weight.
While traveling with Dr. Diehl, I met a doctor from Japan, who lives in Texas and eats totally raw. She has been trying to encourage me to do this for sometime. I am not going totally raw but going more in that direction, where I have found great success.

The last few speaking engagements I had I bowed out as I was way too embarressed by my weight gain.
At the same time I was justifying it with the CHIP Class, as technically I was still on CHIP. Just the wrong end. (which is better for people who don't need to lose weight) That sure was not me!!! Don't we kid ourselves!!!

How do you like this for honest confession!!!!

Dr. Kay would say, eat greens and beans.

I need to stay away from bread as that became one of my downfalls, as well as eating snacks in the evening. Oh yes, they where CHIP approved snacks, but not good for me. Eating at night was a bad habit I piked up.
Plus those healthy desserts, that I was making. Way too good and way too tempting for me. Even freezing them was to no avail. So back to fresh fruit for desserts. Be careful with too much fresh fruit as it will raise your triglycerides.

Well here I go as of today, January 1st.
If you would like to become healthier, and would like to try this adventure with me, let's just do it.!!!!!

On one of my earlier posts a few days ago, I shared some of the foods I cut out.

Happy Healthy New Year to all my blogger friends!!

Oh yes and you will see in the future, more CHIP truly healthier recipes on my blog.

Let's be good and truly get healthy this year and no more justify for me!!!

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