
Thursday, March 22, 2012


It is March 22 and one more time surgery has been cancelled. I came down with Bronchitis yesterday, so tomorrow surgery will not take place.
Last week I had Bladder Infection and the week before that three minutes before I was to go into surgery they found out I was running a fever so was sent home.
It don't figure. Been on the CHIP Program 5 years and haven't been sick. All of a sudden I am getting sick every week.
Just can't believe it!!!!
Is God trying to tell me something!!!!! Many have been praying for me and maybe it is time I listen.

April 16 our new CHIP Classes are starting and I will be there.
I can't deal with planning another surgery at this time. It is way to much of a emotional roller coaster.
Will consider it after the next class.
Today is a new day!!!!!

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