
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sprouts- Sprouts and more Sprouts

Sprouting is so easy to to do, and it is so healthy.

I wanted to bring these sprouts to CHIP class Thursday but the schedule for Thursday was too full to talk about sprouting.

I bought this sprouter at Stoegers on Northland Avenue in Appleton, quite a few years ago.

Free Market on Wisconsin Avenue in Appleton as well as Red Radish in Neenah should have them or hopefully they can order them for you. I know several people that bought them on line. There are many different kinds of sprouters.

  1. In fact I started with a quart canning jar and put a double layer of cheesecloth on top . I used a rubberband to hold the cheesecloth on the jar.

  2. I put a inch or so of seeds on the bottom of the jar, filled the container with warm water and let it sit over night. (then put on the cheesecloth)

  3. The next morning, drain water off the sprouts. Do not remove cheese cloth.

  4. Continue everyday to put water in the container, and immedietly turn upside down too drain the water off. I contiued this everyday until I had sprouts, which will be in a few days.

  5. This is a good way to start out to see if you want to do sprouting. I drained the sprouts right in the sink on my drain board.

My sprouter in the picture has four layers. You put the seeds in the top three layers. The bottom layer stays empty for the water to run through. Pour warm (not hot) water over the seeds. Every morning I dump off the water in the bottom container ( this water is great for your plants) and put new fresh water over the top. Within a few days you will have seeds with small tails coming out. Within 3-5 days ( depending how warm the house is) they will be to the top of the container underneath . At that time I put small containers in the middle of each layer, (check picture) so air can get in and turn the sprouts green. I also give them another day or two to grow. When they are grown I take them and put in a green bag with a little paper toweling. They should be eaten in a few days.

These are wonderful in salads, on sandwiches, wraps, pizza, etc. I also like eating the pea sprouts, just as they start sprouting as they are really crunchy like nuts but so much better for you as they don't have the fat which nuts do.

Sprouts can be bought on line also, which is probably a lot less expensive. I bought 50 lbs of several different seeds wholesale, from a gentleman in New London several years ago and keep the seeds in my freezer. Not sure if he is in business anymore. Will let you know if he is at a latter time.

Some types of seeds that I use:

  1. Pea Sprouts-My favorite

  2. Mung Beans

  3. Sprouting Mix

  4. Alfalfa Seeds

  5. Organic Sunflower Seeds

Plus many others. See what you like the best.

This is another easy, fun way to stay healthy.


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