
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Crunchy and Gooy Peanut Butter Treats

I wanted to make a few items for grandchildren leaving for college in a few weeks. I choose to make these. Also in the process of drying lots of pineapples, kiwi and other fruits to send along with them.

These are really good and so very easy to make.


  • 1 3/4 cup Brown Rice Syrup
    3/4 cup low fat low, sodium peanut butter

  • 1 10 oz box Perky's Crunchy Cereal- I found this at Festival in the Natural Food Aisle-bottom shelf

  • I had lots of partial bags in my cupboard that I put in these bars.

  • 6 oz vegan chocolate chips

  • Dried cranberries

  • Sesame Seeds

  • Dried Apricots.

  • Flax Seed.

  • Put in what ever you have in the house to make it crunchy.


  1. Heat rice syrup in a saucepan over low heat. When rice syrup liquefies and peanut butter and stir well until mixed well and heated through.

  2. In a large bowl mix cereal and other dry items that you are putting in the bars

  3. Pour hot mixture over cereal mixture.

  4. Press down in a lightly sprayed glass pan.

  5. Sprinkle with remaining chips. Press down..

  6. Refrigerate 1 hour before cutting and sering.

  7. These freeze well.


1 comment:

  1. YEA. . .Now I have a treat to make while granddaughter visits. . .
