
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

                           Life's Lesson and Thoughts
Over the weekend a very dear friend lost her mother. I took a meal over to the family last evening, came home , and received a phone call, just to hear a long time friend of mine had passed away.  When this happens I always feel so sad, as I always wish I had done more in that person's life.The greatest gift God has given us after Jesus, is people. Did I do what I was suppose to in that person's life. Our lives touch everyone we come in contact with for the good or bad. Which am I doing? Life is so short, and when someone dies we realize our own mortality. None of us know how long we will be here. There is so much I want to do before I leave this life. I hope I live for a long time to accomplish it all.
Plus this is the last week of this session of CHIP. I love being involved with the classes, but dislike the last night. I have come to care very deeply for these new friends. I also know that once the class is over, I probably will not see some of my new friends again. That to me is very sad.

Some Thoughts.
For the moment be still.
  1. Life is short, we do not know how long we will be here.
  2. Remember my story about the railroad tracks? Life is like a railroad track. Good running on one side and bad running on the other. Life just works that way-so dwell on the good.
  3. Look at your blessings-not your struggles. We all have both. Even though we usually think ours are the worst.
  4. Be Thankful.
  5. Be kind to yourself, we all have strengths and weakness. Don't beat yourself up for your weakness. Change what you can. Ask God for help in changing.
  6. Use your strong points to help others along the path of life.
  7. Remember you are very special.
  8. laugh more.
  9. Be slow to quarrel. Return a kind word for one that is not so kind.People will wonder what you are up to.
  10. Search out a forgotten friend.
  11. Suspend suspicion-be trusting of others.
  12. Write a love letter to the people in your life.
  13. Write a love letter to yourself. Tell yourself in the letter what you like about you. We are so hard on ourselves.
  14. Share a treasure.
  15. Give a soft answer.
  16. Encourage others. Find something nice. (not flattery) to everyone you come in contact with. (even the people you don't like)
  17. Show you loyalty in words and deeds.
  18. Encourage youth and those that are struggling. When we don't believe in ourselves, we need someone to believe in us.
  19. Laugh at yourselves-not others.
  20. Nourish a grateful attitude.
  21. Keep a promise.
  22. Love yourselve-right where you are in life.
  23. Find time for others.
  24. Don't harbor a grudge.
  25. Listen to others, really listen to what they are saying behind the words.
  26. Apolagize when you are wrong.
  27. Be understanig of others struggles.
  28. We are links in a chain. Today I may need your help-Tomorrow you may need my help.
  29. Be sincerely happy for others success and compassion when they are hurting. Be willing to help.
  30. Forgive, even before you are asked for forgivness, The person who hurt you may never ask for forgiveness.
  31. Think first of someone else.
  32. Show appreciation.
  33. Laugh. a lot, it is good for the bones and getting rid of stress.
  34. Be gentle. Be kind to people. You don't know what they ae going through. we are all good at hiding our hurts. I have been told I am way to trasparent. UMM!
  35. Gladden the heart of a child.
  36. Worship your God with all your heart.
  37. Decry complacency.
  38. That person who is mean to you is hurting, give them kindness.
  39. Take beauty and pleasure in the beauty and wonder of this world. Have you ever seen such beauty in the coloring of the trees this fall.
  40. Make everyday count.
  41. Speak gratitude, speak it again, and yet again.
  42. None of us know how long we will be here, make your life count, make a difference.
  43. My heart cry, is when I leave this earth I will have made a difference in peoples lives.
  44. Is that yours???
Some of these thoughts came from Jill Rasmussin, from the Applecreek YMCA.


  1. Beautiful reminders of life. Life goes by too fast. I posted this list on my refrig. I plan to share this, with your permission, on my facebook page. Thank you, Verna.

  2. Yes life goes by way too fast, and so many days go by and we don't make the most of them.
    I will miss the graduating CHIP Class. I loved having you in class, Jo. Keep up the good work.
    Happy Thanksgiving.
