
Saturday, July 27, 2013

What is in the Chicken that you eat?????

"Let juice be your medicine, and your medicine be your juice.”  

Books to Help You Shape Up

My latest book "The Juice Lady's Big Book of Juices and Green Smoothies" and "The Juice Lady’s Turbo Diet" will help you get in shape after the holidays.


Brenda's Story of Hope
When my husband began reading the January, 2013 issue of Charisma, he said to me, “You might be interested in this article.”  It was “Get Juiced!” by my new-favorite-person-in-the-whole-wide-world, Cherie Calbom!!

As soon as I read her article, I ran to my laptop to Google the Juice Lady.  I promptly ordered five of her books and a juicer.  I devoured a couple of the books as soon as they arrived.  But one book - The Complete Cancer Cleanse – just sat on my desk unread.  I wasn’t even sure why I had ordered it.  I was not dealing with cancer and no one in my family had cancer either.  I would soon find out why.

In early March, my son called with a diagnosis of Stage 3 cancer in his lymphatic system.  At that point, I knew why I had ordered “The Complete Cancer Cleanse” from Cherie.  I over nighted it to my son and he immediately made a dramatic lifestyle change to juicing and raw foods.  Soon after, he interviewed Cherie for his radio show.  She recommended a visit to the Optimum Health Institute (OHI) of Austin or San Diego.  Well, it turns out the “Austin” location is really Cedar Creek, just 26 miles from my home!  All of a sudden, an opening came available and Jeff flew in for a week at OHI.

I am convinced the chain of events from Charisma to juicing to OHI played a major role in my son's recovery.  All the glory and praise to God for that!

I was so inspired by Cherie’s own story that I had a “juicing” party last month and challenged the ladies to consider juicing.  By then I had seven of her books and spread them all out on the counter for my girlfriends to review.  They all loved the various juice recipes.  Some went out the next day to purchase a juicer.  One lady said she was going to retrieve her dusty juicer from the top shelf and USE it!  I am juicing twice a day, and I feel energized and have lost 2 dress sizes.

What’s Really in Your Chicken Sandwich?

by Console & Hollawell

One of my readers sent this article, which I thought was timely especially since in March President Barack Obama signed H.R. 933, which contained the Monsanto Protection Act even though more than 250,000 Americans asked him to veto this bill.

The meat we eat is a mishmash of the political, practical, economic, and spiritual. Our taboos about protein vary by geography, even by household. Some eat pork, some don’t. Others serve camel as a delicacy – a tradition that would make many Americans faint from the cultural shock. We draw the line on what we put in our bodies in strange, often contradictory, places. Consumers decry the hazards of processed meats in one breath while complaining about the high price of fresh product with the next. Parents scream, “If only the good stuff was affordable, then our children wouldn’t be comically obese!” Is that the reason? Perhaps our perception of the ingredients inside the proteins we eat is a symptom of conditioning, a kind of advertising voodoo. How would our opinions change if we confronted the ingredients in the meats we eat? Would we care?

The Scandalous Evolution of Animal Protein

Americans consume 31 percent more processed foods than fresh food, according to a 2010 article in the New York Times. We also ingest more processed meals than just about any other industrialized nation. Japan eats a higher percentage of ready-to-eat meals, the data suggests, though these products of choice tend to be near-fresh items such as seafood or dried seaweed. On the whole, healthier options than what U.S. residents choose to put in front of them.

Doctors agree that diets with high amounts of processed foods, which contain large quantities of fat, salt, and sugar, lead to increased rates of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Processed animal protein, including meat and dairy, contributes the lion’s share of manufactured meals that Americans inhale every day. We’re eating a combined 481 pounds-per-capita of this stuff every year, according to the New York Times. We’re literally eating ourselves to death.

Questions we should all be asking: what’s actually in these items? Should chicken breast bought in a supermarket really have a list of ingredients?

The Tale of the Ballooning Poultry
As early as the 1930s, hormones assisted the food industry by increasing production levels for food companies, according to the Sprecher Institute at Cornell University. Chicken farmers today raise poultry that grows to weigh twice as much as similar birds in 1950, in less than half the time. Hormones, specifically the synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES), administered to young poultry and other animals allow them to gain more weight in less time. Shorter life cycles from birth to the frozen food section lead to larger-scale production and higher profits.

Then scientists in the 1970s discovered a link between increased cancer risks in those using DES. Food companies promptly phased the compound out of their regular animal “treatment” regiments, but the damage was already done. The processed food industry in the United States wasn’t about the stop its use of synthetic compounds to stimulate growth and production. Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has given approval to six different hormones for use in food production:  estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, zeranol, trenbolone acetate, and melengestrol acetate. Two of those compounds – progesterone and estradiol – are female sex hormones commonly found in prescription birth control pills. What quantities of these chemicals are present in the processed food we eat?
According to the Sprecher Institute at Cornell University, there’s no way to measure levels of progesterone or estradiol in animal products because scientists can’t tell the administered portions from what the animal creates naturally. In an Italian study, researchers discovered a link between steroid hormone residues in beef and poultry with breast enlargement in young students – girls and boys.

Frankenstein’s Monster in Your Grocer’s Freezer

Read the whole article.
Berry-Mango-Kale Slushy
1 cup frozen strawberries with caps
1 cup chopped frozen mango

1 cup chopped kale

Juice of 1 lime
4–5 ice cubes

Combine all ingredients in a blender and process well until smooth and creamy/ slushy. Serve chilled. Serves 2.

From The Juice Lady’s Big Book Of Juices and Green Smoothies
A Scholarship is Available for the August 4-10 Retreat

Thanks to a generous donor, we have another scholarship that is available for the August 4-10 Health & Wellness Cleanse Retreat at the Pecos Monastery.  To apply, you need to tell us why you want to come and to send a copy of your tax return for 2012.  You can email that to

We have 4 spots available for that retreat.  Let us know as soon as possible if you plan to attend.  Call 425-261-8821.

Health & blessings,

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