
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Orange Fennel

I made this also when my friend came yesterday. Have to use those oranges.

I bunch fennel, washed, most of tops cut off, (tops went into my broth bag, and then into the freezer)
1-Cut fennel into large bite size pieces. Put into sprayed glass pan.
2-Crush a couple of teaspoons of Anise seeds over the top of fennel ( will give you more of a licorice taste)
3-Cut a large orange into large pieces ( with peel on) and mix with fennel.
4-I took a small orange and squeezed some of the juice over above.
5-Sprinkle with EVOO.
6-Bake at 425 for about 50 min.

This is quick and easy. Also tastes really good.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Orange Sherbet in Orange cups

Oranges, oranges and more oranges. I just joined a food co-op. I picked up the produce on Saturday, and their where two bags of oranges in my box.

Would you know,I just bought a bag of oranges just a couple of days before!!!

What am I going to do with all those oranges?????

I had my friend, in for lunch on Monday, then another friend, on Tuesday.

You know me, I am always experimenting. This is what I did for my Monday friend.


  1. I washed, dried, and then froze 4 large whole oranges in my freezer for about 3 1/2-4 hours. ( I would not freeze the oranges any longer than that.)
  2. Remove oranges from the freezer.
  3. I cut the ends off the orange, ( don't cut in too far, only want to get the very end of the orange) so that they would sit nice on a plate.
  4. Then I cut the oranges in half.
  5. I scooped the frozen pulp out of the oranges with a spoon, and put in the food processor.
  6. I added about 1/3 cup of Vanilla Soy Milk, about a cup of frozen banana's, sliced, a couple of large scoops of frozen Orange Concentrate (undiluted) about 1/3 cup of water.
  7. I processes this mixture in the food processor, until it was the consistency I wanted. (like soft serve ice cream)
  8. Add more water or bananas as needed.
  9. I added more bananas, more concentrate and water, to the proper consistency
  10. I then added about one teaspoon of orange zest and about 1 1/2 teaspoons of coconut extract.
  11. Continue to process in the food processor.
  12. I put the "sherbet"back into the frozen orange shells, and sprinkled a little orange zest over the top.
  13. Then I put the oranges, filled with "sherbet" back in the freezer while we ate our meal. Of course this was our dessert.

I did the same thing for my Tuesday friend, except I drizzled choc sauce over the orange and plate before serving.

Chocolate Sauce:

I put chocolate chips in a measuring cup ( about 1/2 cup) with about 1 1/2 teaspoons EVOO.

Put in microwave for about 2 minutes on medium heat. Stir mixture, drizzle over the orange and plate.

My Monday friend had a really good dessert, But my Tuesday friend's dessert was even better.

The picture above is not what I served. I took the left over chocolate sauce, and basically just poured it over the " sherbet" after my friend left. I put it in the freezer and dug it out for the picture. The actual serving was much more attractive.

I will make this many more times, especially with summer coming up. It is going in my perminent files.

Just a note, if frozen for a period of time, it will get really hard. Give time for it to thaw, before serving.

My Monday and Tuesday friends, are my forever friends-just in case you wondered.

It's fun being creative and see what you come up with!!!! yes, Go for it!!!!!


Saturday, March 27, 2010

What a Trip!!!!

Dr. Kay Theyerl and yours truly just came back from 3ABN. We where on their world wide television program for an hour, Thursday evening, March 25th-"10".
Dr. Hanz Diehl and John (from the station) interviewed myself on how CHIP turned my health around. Of course Dr. Kay was their to add her expertise. How I thank her for all of her involvement in the program. The second half hour, Pat, a lady of 73 from Rockford shared how she won over a thousand Gold Medals, yes I said a thousand in Senior Olympics.
I hope to sign up for senior olympics in our area. I will have to live to be 300 years old to attain what Pat has accomplished The last half hour Dr's. Kay and Hanz Diehl where able to answer call in's from the public. Calls came in from the Netherlands and all over the country.
On Wed.we drove to Rockford Ill. and stayed over night in Jody and Frank's beautiful home. Leaving early on Thursday Jody drove us to West Frankfurt Ill. to be on the program. Prior to being on the program, Dr. Diehl treated us to a fabulous meal in a Chinese Restaurant. The food kept coming and coming. What a treat!!! Especially when you don't have to pay the bill.
We where then taken to some adorable cabins on the grounds of 3 ABN. Just down my alley, as they had a Victorian flair to them.
After the recording, (what a beautiful set they had, for recording, again a Victorian flair) we went back to our cabins for hopefully some much needed sleep.
After a early morning breakfast, we where on the road for the long trek back,
I am so thrilled, that we had the opportunity to do this, as I am praying many life's will be changed because of what we did.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sweet- Sour Citrus Salad

I have been asked for more recipes on my blog. This one I got from Mary, my bike riding friend.
It is really good.

1 large pink grapefruit, peeled and sectioned-cut sections in half
1 large navel orange, peeled and sectioned-cut sections in half
1 small red onion-sliced into rings
1 Tablespoon honey or Agave Nectar
1 large red bell pepper, sliced julienne
1/3 cup of honey or Agave Nectar
1/4 cup Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar, with mother in it
2 teaspoons poppy seed
2 teaspoons grated onion
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon salt-optional
1 teaspoon ground mustard
1/2 teaspoon lemon zest
4 cups mixed salad greens

1-Sprinkle grapefruit and orange sections with 1 Tablespoon of sweetener.
2-Add red pepper and red onion.
3-In blender, combine sweetener, lemon juice, salt, mustard, grated onion and lemon zest until blended.
4-Pour over fruit.
5-Add salad greens-toss to coat.

Serve immediately
You can prepare the salad ahead- add greens just before serving

**To section orange and grapefruit:
Cut ends off of the fruit, cut around the outside of fruit, to remove peel.
Pull off membranes, cut sections in half.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fox River State Trail

My friend Mary and I rode this trail last August "09".
Last week Thursday March 18-"10" we rode the trail again.
We parked in Greenleaf by the large gray, Grain Silos and rode to downtown Green Bay, round trip it was about 33 miles.

Last year we traveled around WI riding many different bike trails. We have come to the conclusion that this is probably the best trail around.

Starting in Greenleaf, the bike trail consist of a crushed lime stone trail that will take you through several miles of beautiful farm land. As you continue down the trail you will come upon black top which for the most part runs all the way to Green Bay.
As we continued our journey towards DePere, between the trees we could see many deep ravines on either side of us. I was so hoping that we would see deer feeding along the winding brook.
As we proceeded through a business district, we where tempted to stop at restaurants that where beckoning us to come in and eat. The aroma from the restaurants was tantalizing. We continued along our journey as we had packed our favorite picnic lunches. Me, with my healthy food, and Mary with her ground bologna, and ground pickle sandwiches, which she absolutely loves. Her sandwiches didn't tempt me at all.

The trail is a delight too ride as it is so nice and wide. Four bicycles would be able to travel four abreast.
What a treat to see off to the right, on a cement wall, life size paintings depicting our history of travel, starting in the Victorian years to modern day travel. How I enjoyed this, as I am a lover of the Victorian era. So much to learn from this period in history.
As we came closer to Green Bay we where greeted with weather that was approaching 65 degrees. The Green Bay area is breath taking. With the Fox River to the left, we could enjoy the ducks out on the water, and many, many fishermen trying to get their catch for the day. To the right where large mansions, up on the hills. What a sight to see! We where able to enjoy so many more of the homes this time, as the trees where not cloaked with their garments of greenery.
As we traveled closer to Green Bay, we where once again traveling through business district. We found ourselves on a beautiful, winding red brick path that veered around many business areas.

As we continued along the trail we where able to enjoy many large metal sculptures along the way. Our journey, continuing down the bike trail, brought us to a tunnel which upon arriving on the opposite side, we found ourselves in down town Green Bay.
WOW!!! We did it!! Now we just have to ride back!!!

This bike trail is enjoyable not only for the interesting and beautiful scenery, but also the availability of bathrooms along the path, benches to sit on if needed, even a Gazebo to have a picnic lunch. Oh yes, and as you approach DePere, their will be a gas station off to the right, (almost on the trail) in case you forgot your water, or have to attend to more important matters.
It turned out to be again one of the most enjoyable bike trails that we have taken in the last two years.
I sooooo look forward to biking the trail again in April, and many more times this year. Next time we travel this trail we hope to start at Forest Juntion and travel to Green Bay.
If you love bike riding you should consider giving this trail top priority. If you do I am sure you will agree with me, that it is on the top of the list of bike trails to visit.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Zucchini Muffins

Oh these are so very good.

2 cups whole Wheat Pastry Flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt ( I actually used it)
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 cup sugar ( I used raw brown sugar)
1/4 cup raisins ( didn't have any so used dried cranberries)
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
1/4 cup smooth applesauce ( I used mine that I canned, has nothing in it but apples and a little
1 1/4 cup shredded zucchini-packed
1 Tablespoon lemon zest-(I used more)
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 Tablespoon Agave Nectar
1 1/2 cups soy milk or other non-dairy milk

1- Preheat oven to 400 degrees,** lightly oil muffin tins.
2-In large mixing bowl, combine all dry ingredients,flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, nutmeg, sugar cranberries and walnuts.
3-In medium bowl, combine wet ingredients, applesauce, zucchini, lemon zest, lemon juice, Agave Nectar, and soymilk.
4-Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients. Stir until combined. Do not over stir. Batter will be heavy.
5-Spoon into muffin tins, bake until tooth pick comes out clean-about 20 minutes.

** I used 1 large muffin tin and 2 very small muffin tins.

Cinnamon Crumb Topping

2 teaspoons margarine-I used 2 teaspoons of oil
1 teaspoon sugar- I used 1 teaspoon raw brown sugar
1 Tablespoon flour-I used Whole Wheat Flour
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Use fork to combine until crumbly. Sprinkle on muffins before baking.Press topping down gently into muffin.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Washington Trip

I have had the privilege and honor to travel with Dr. Diehl.
The top picture is after Dr. Lilly Diehl did a concert in a church in Richland Washington.. She is a concert pianist.
When she was finished I shared my story and how God used the CHIP program to heal my heart. I was on 10 meds, a oxygen tank and sleep machine. Only 1/6 of my heart was working. I had planned my funeral, wrote love letters to my six children, grand children and friends, as I new time was short. 2 cardiologists gave me less than a year to live. When I went to Marshfield, they removed 21 lbs of fluid from around my heart. They told me if I would have waited one more week to come to Marsfield, I probably would be dead.
Because of God's intervention, I am still here. Dr. Kay Theyerl send me to the CHIP program which was new in the area.
I was told in Marshfield,if I ever went off my meds, I would be dead. I am very much alive, and have been off all meds, oxygen tank and sleep machine for over a year and a half.
Back to my Washington story. We spoke at 16 or was it 18 different places. Hospitals,Diabetes Centers, High Schools, Rotary
Clubs, to a group of restaurant owners, church, etc,etc,. It was a whirl wind of a week.
I had the privilege of staying in a couples home, Dr.Jim and Peggy that lived on the Columbia River. What wonderful people.
On Sunday, Dr. Jim asked if I would like to fly in his airplane. ( picture above) Of course I did. While we where taxing out on the runway, I asked him if I could fly the plane. ( I was just teasing him) His comment was when we get in the air,of course you can.
I understand, take off and landing is the hardest part in flying an airplane.
After we where in the air for awhile, Jim said I could take over the controls. So I flew the plane over canyons, waterfalls, low mountains, Columbia River, Snake River. etc.
What an experience!!! I found myself with a very uneasy stomach after about 20 minutes. I decided to give the controls back to Jim as I was frantically looking for a plastic bag in the seat in front of me.
Wow, what an experience to fly his airplane. I would do it again in a heart beat if I had another chance.
It was way cool, in spite of my tummy upset.

I am going dancing tonight, will finish the rest of the story when I get back.
I am back. Had lots of fun dancing tonight.

I have had the privilege of traveling to Johnstown, Penn, Washington and Loma Linda California with Dr. Diehl this last year.
We are off to 3 ABN, to be on world wide television in a few weeks. Can't believe all that is happening. It is so exciting to be able to share my testimony with others, and hopefully help others in the process..
This was such a fun year, just wanted to share some of it with you. Hopefully this year will be full of lots of adventure.

Tacos-Black Bean

I have been really hungry for taco's, and finally got around to making them today. These are really very good. or was I just really hungry.

Tacos-Black Beans

Spray for pan
6 large fresh garlic cloves, minced
1 onion diced
2 carrots-finely shredded
1 teaspoon dried basil
2 cups Portabella Mushrooms, cleaned and chopped fine
1 15 oz can low sodium black beans rinsed, mashed
1 1/2 teaspoon Taco Seasoning (I used my home made taco seasonings, as commercial is high in sodium)
shake or two of Cayenne pepper-optional
About 1/2 cup taco sauce-I used Old El Paso mild Taco Sauce-Want to keep the sodium low.
This had about 90 mg of sodium.
taco shells low sodium

shredded greens of choice
green onions chopped
sour cream, low sodium
Vegan Mazarrela Cheese

1-Heat sprayed skillet
2-Add chopped onion and garlic, stirring 2-3 minutes
3-Add basil, carrots, mushrooms, cook for 4-5 minutes more.
4-Add beans and taco seasoning
Mix well.
5-Add about 1/4-1/2 cup of water to pan. Add Taco sauce
6-Bring to boil. simmer for 15-20 min. Stirring frequently
Until carrots are tender.
7-Put a little cheese in bottom of taco shell. I used Fat Flush Tortilla Shells.
8- Pour a little taco sauce over "meat"
9-Add desired toppings.

I have changed the recipe considerably from original recipe

I would be really interested in your comment on this recipe. After the changes I really enjoyed it.

Taco Seasoning

Mix together in small container:

2 Tablespoons Chili Powder
2 Teaspoons sweet paprika
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes or to taste

1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon dried marjoram
1/4 teaspoon black pepper or to taste
1 Tablespoon Garlic Powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin

Keep refrigerated. I usually double the batch when I make it, and keep in a glass jar in the frig.

Spring CHIP Classes

So many have been asking when the next CHIP Classes start.

They will start April 5 through May 20
6:30 to 8:30 pm

Classes will be held at Appleton Medical Center, on Meade St.
in the Ironwood Conference Room

Week 1-classes Monday through Thursday
Weeks 2-7-classes Tuesday and Thursday

Call 920-830-6877 or 800-236-2236 if interested.

Cost is $425.00 for the first person, spouse is $250.00
It is so well worth every penny. Because of this program I am still here.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

CHIP Certifide

I was in Rockford IL. the last several days with Dr. Kay and became CHIP Certifide. Even though I've been helping facilitate the CHIP Class the last couple of years, I wanted to learn more so that I could be more effective in helping others and hopfully have my own class. I came home totally exhausted last evening, but I took time to go to the CHIP Alumni potluck.

I usually work out at least by 7 in the morning. I so wanted to sleep in this morning, as I was really tired..

But I did it- I got up and exercised 40 minutes on the tread mill, then did all the machines at Inches Away,which took another 45 minutes.

Felt so great when I was finished.

Our feelings are so fecal. Have to do what is right, that is the only way to be a winner.

I share this because I know their are so many others that feel like I did this morning. I will be 70 in May, If this very mature lady ( nice way of saying that I am getting old) can do it, so can you!!

Hang in their. Remember 21 days creates a new habit.

Oh yes, and this wonderful weather. It was so nice out today that I hung my wash out side on the clothes lines..

Hopefully on Saturday, I will get my first bike ride in for this year. Can't wait to start biking. It's a fun exercise, especially when you can do it with a friend!!!!!!

Enjoy the sunshine and warmer weather.