
Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I am so excited!!!

Finally--- Woodman's has their Bob's Red Mill Muesli on sale--2 for $5.00
I bought 10 pkg. (I usually put most of it in the freezer to keep wee little creatures out.) This is an excellent price.I will go back for more.

Also Bob's Red Mill whole ground Flaxseed is on sale 2 for $4.00

Braggs Raw-Unfiltered Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, 32 oz. size, is on sale--2 for $7.00

5 grain cereal, steel cut oats, plus other items, also on sale.

Of course you will find these items in aisle's 21-22

Stock up, as these are really great prices, Woodmen's has this special, only a couple times a year.

Enjoy saving money.

If your not a Chipper, give these products a try. They will fill you up, not out!!!

Stay cool- it is hot out their.

Green Circle Trail

For my birthday my bike riding friend took me to Green Circle Trail in Stevens Point. She had made arrangements several weeks before but wanted to keep it a surprise where we where going.

On Sunday May 23rd we started biking about 10 o'clock. At that time their where a few people on the trail. By noon hardly anyone was out. Why????? It hit 90 degrees and humid. Yikes!!!!! it was HOT!!!
Green Circle Trail is a very nice trail. Their is allot of bike riding through the woods, along the Plover River, and also the Wisconsin River. It is a 31 mile round trip.
Going through town and residential areas it was very poorly marked, we put on more miles
than that, as we got lost a few times.

In the past we usually bike more miles then this. But it was a great accomplishment for two 70 year old's to go that far, in that kind of heat.
Monday morning we where up really early, (didn't feel like it, isn't this my birthday present, I wanted too sleep in) too beat the heat as it was suppose to get up to 93 and humid. After the fact I am glad we got up early. Did our bike riding for the day, and had time to go to Jung's Garden Center and a few other places.

Love bike riding, every time we go out it is a new adventure!!

Hope you found an exercise that you enjoy!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Popcorn Krispies

When I was in California with Dr. Diehl, I met this really neat lady, who teaches the CHIP Class out their. This is one of the recipes she shared with her CHIP people.
Last night after our pot luck, I was asked to put the recipe on my blog. (The people like it, yeah)I did a little tweaking, but not too much.

Here goes:
Pop your popcorn first-so that it is ready when you need it.

In saucepan stir until melted:
1 cup peanut butter-I pour off the oil and add water to keep creamy.
1/2 cup honey

When smooth add following- stir until melted:

1 cup chocolate chips- I used 1 bag of Tropical Source semi-sweet chocolate chips-Gluten Free and Dairy Free (they are in a red bag) The reason for using 1 bag is I hate odds and ends in
my cupboard)
If stiff add 3/4-1 Tablespoon EVOO (optional)

Remove from heat:
1-2 teaspoons vanilla extract-not imitation
**4 cups of popped pop corn-(I used 6 cups)

Gently stir until well mixed.

Pat firmly down in sprayed 13-9" glass pan.
Cover and refrigerate
When set, cut into small pieces.

These are very rich
They also freeze well in freezer bags.


Oh yes, I popped my pop corn in a Crazy Popcorn Popper and did use a little oil.

Last Class

Well, we just finished another CHIP Class, last evening. What a special group of people. It was so wonderful to hear so many great reports on how, living the CHIP Life Style, has changed health and lives. I am so honored to be a part of the CHIP Program and see this happening.

Being my 70th birthday the next day,I was wonderfully surprised with flowers when I first arrived at class. Later as the people started arriving, I received more flowers,balloons, cards, gifts, well wishes and a out pouring of love from the people in class. Also a wonderful fresh fruit bouquet. It was just so sweet. What a special night. Oh yes, I also received a gift of pom poms and a megaphone as many ask if I use to be a cheer leader, as I try to cheer the class forward too good health. Thank you for making my evening soooooooooo very special. As I said I will miss you. It was a privilege to get too know each and everyone of you.

Thank you, Heidi for everything. It is so nice working with you. I am so glad you will be back the next class. We make a good team!!! (so I have been told by many.) Thank you for all you did to make my birthday class special.

If anyone out their is interested in staying healthy, turning your health around, losing weight, and not going hungry in the process, let me know as we start another class the first week of August. Better yet, call Peggy at 920-830-6877.
Why, would you not want to come and join us????? I am 70 years young today, Struggled with weight all my life, was on my death bed 5 years ago. No longer have health issues. For the last 3 years, after losing 85 lbs., I have been able to maintain my weight and have fun eating healthy, delicious food.
Plus we have lots of fun in class!!!

Oh yes, you new graduates-I so look forward to seeing you at the Alumni Meeting at 6:30 at AMC on Wed. June 2nd.
Yes, it will be another delicious potluck! Bring your dish to pass, and the recipe.
I hope to bring my Orange Sherbet, that I came up with last year, and is so yummy.
See you their!!!
Passed grads, (your the greatest) want to see you their also!!!! We need too stick together for our success!!

Have a super, wonderful day.
Your the best!!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Birthday Party

Sunday my kids gave me a "Surprise Birthday Party". I will be 70 years young on Friday, May 21st of this week. Where does the time go..

A very special friend made me the coolest Birthday Cake. It consisted of a series of cupcakes decorated like flowers, and the cupcakes, put into a form that fit into a flowerpot. It was just the coolest. Above is a picture of my Birthday Cake.

The party was wonderful. Besides my kids, grandkids and great grandkids, about 50 friends where invited. Their where so many more of you that I wish I could have invited, but I had to stop as the list was getting waaaaaaaaaaaay too large.

I could not belief all the delicious food my kids made for everyone. Thanks to Mike and Penny for opening their beautiful home, for this party. Thanks to my kids for all their work, to make this party so succesful. To my family and friends for caring.
I am so Blessed!!!!

It would be great to be 70 everyday.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mango-Lime Salsa

A very special friend gave me this recipe last summer.I just made it, as I had some really ripe mangoes that needed to be used.
This recipe is fabulous, it is probably one of my very favorite.

Mango-Lime Salsa

4 ripe mangoes, cut into small pieces
1 sweet red bell pepper, chopped
1/2 small red onion chopped
1/3 cup chopped cilantro
3 jalapeno peppers, chopped. ( remove seeds and veins if you don't like the heat)
Organic Raw Agave Nectar to taste
Juice of 2 limes

Mix all together

If making more than a few hours before needed, hold off on adding mangoes and cilantro until about 1 hour before.

This was good on top of a Portabella Mushroom Burger. Can be used in many ways besides chips.


Friday, May 14, 2010

These are some of the beautiful sedums used in the artistic plantings at Mayflower Gardens. More following on the next posting.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Great Granddaughter

I had the most enjoyable day with my daughter and her granddaughter, which would be my great granddaughter. We went to Mayflower Gardens in Green Bay. It is on Airport Road about 1 mile west of the airport on the right hand side. If you have never been their, it is like no other garden center. It is a very artsy garden center. You will see topiary trees made into giraffes, elephants, dogs and cats and much more.
Many large picture frames, have been planted with unique sedums, that have been artistically put together, to create wonderful live pictures.
Their are two small beds, planted with sedums, to look like quilts on the bed. On the porch you will see grandma and grandpa planted with sedums. Purses and old shoes, have been graced with sedums also. Oh yes, and those baby shoes, by the check out counter, with sedums in. What a delight to see. What wonderful talent using live materials for their pallette of color.!!!!!!
Besides their wonderful creative designs throughout the greenhouse, many flowers and plants are also very unique.
Take a drive to the garden center. You will be glad you did. It will inspire you to do great things in your yard this summer.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers day

To all you moms out their, I hope your day is very special!!!!!!

Hawaiian-Style Sweet and Sour Roasted Pineapple with Bell Peppers

This recipe is excellent. Can be served as a side dish or on top of brown rice.

This recipe was in my Vegetarian Magazine that I just received in the mail.
It is a Donna Klein Recipe

3 cups cubed fresh pineapple
1 1/2 cups red bell pepper-julienned. I used frozen that I put up when peppers where not so expensive.
1 medium red onion-cut into thin wedges-about 1 1/2 cup
1 Tablespoon toasted sesame oil-I used Walnut Oil, as that is what I had.
1 Tablespoon vegetable oil- I totally omitted this.
1 Tablespoon dark brown sugar
1 Tablespoon sweetened coconut flakes-optional-I used 3 Tablespoons unsweetened flakes
1 Tablespoon lime juice

  1. Preheat oven to 400 F.
  2. Arrange pineapple, peppers and onions on ungreased 13 by 9" glass pan.
  3. Drizzle with oil, sprinkle with brown sugar.
  4. Season with pepper if desired.
  5. Toss to coat.
  6. Roast mixture on center oven rack for 30 minutes, or until lightly browned turning once.
  7. Remove from oven
  8. sprinkle with coconut flakes, drizzle with lime juice.
  9. Toss well to combine.

    Can be served hot or at room temperature.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Memorial Park and Herbs

Last evening I had the privilege to take the CHIP Alumni to Memorial Park for a Herb Information Tour. Danette, did an excellent job, and was very informative on many different plants they had in their gardens.
If you have not visted Memorial Park, their is so much to see and do out their.

Thank you Rachael for your handout and your info on becoming a Master Gardener. Also Jean, thank you for your handout. It was so very informative.

Because it is so early in the season, the annual herbs in the garden where not planted yet. I picked up several that I thought would be of interest to everyone.

One of the neatest plants, that I brought along, was a Bay Leaf Bush. I have never seen one in this area. My plans are to put in in a bigger container, and this fall bring it into my home. Next summer I will plant it out side.

I am so excited about the bush as I use allot of Bay Leafs. I put them in my silverware drawers, in my glass containers of dried beans. On my grocery shelves that have rice, etc. Bay Leaf's are great for keeping small bugs out of your kitchen. I spread them around very generously as I am on a Vegan Health Program. You know we are not eating meat!!!

Fresh Bay Leaves are much more potent than dried leaves. If use in cooking, you may want to cut back some. Yes, you can use them fresh. They do not need to be dried.

If you are interested in buying a bush, I got it at Steins Garden Center for $11.95. Hopefully I will have it for many years too come. I understand the bush will get quite large.

If you are not using herbs in your cooking, they are a great salt re-placer, and will give you lots of flavor in your cooking. Remember, fresh herbs are added at the end of your cooking. You can use dried herbs in the beginning of cooking.

Do you know the difference between herbs and spices??
Spices-come from the bark of a tree, root or the fruit.
Herbs- come from the leaves and stems of a plant.

Go and be adventuresome, try a new herb, you will be so glad you did.

Italian Parsley would be a nice plant to start with. Also known as Flat Leaf Parsley. The Curly Parsley is way to bitter, so you may not want to go that route.

Parsley is wonderful to freeze. I have been doing it since the kids where babies. As you get an abundance of parsley, cut leaves from stems. Wash well and put in your blender. Cover with just enough water to agitate the blender. Freeze in ice cube trays. When frozen, put in freezer bags, be sure to mark what it is and also date it. Wonderful to use in soups, stews, or where ever parsley is desired. I have thawed and drained, the cubes and use in salads, etc, where fresh parsley is one of the ingredients desired.

(Of course save those stems for your broth bag.)

Have fun on your adventure.

Just a note. I loooooove fresh basil. But it is very persnickety to grow in this area, as it loves lots of heat. I have a son in Kansas and a son in Kentucky. They can grow beautiful basil. I am so pea green jealous, that they can grow such nice basil. Oh well, can't have it all!!!!
If you do try it, keep those blossoms picked off. Once flowers appear, the plant will die.

In case you are interested, I visited a garden center today where all their plants are organic. One of the things that I have been doing, rather then fill my planters (the ones that are hanging on the south side of my home) with flowers. I put organic cascading, cherry tomato plants in my planters. I put in several different varieties. (Which I got at FOXGLOVE)It is so great in the summer to step out my back door and have tomatoes at arms reach. Plus undesirable, little critters are not chewing on the fruit, as they would on the ground.

If interested, the name of the place is FOXGLOVE FARMS which is on W7255 Wege Rd. Hortonville WI. 54944 Phone number-920-757-9868.
If you go, mentioned that I sent you.
They also have beautiful hanging baskets and lots of perennials and annuals.

Make a road trip with someone special. You will enjoy it.

Have a marvelous day!!!!! You can only live this day once. Make a difference in someones life.!!!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Chocolate Covered Grapes

Do you like chocolate??
Do you want a really easy and delicious treat? Yes, healthy also!!!!

I took a bag of Topical Source, Dairy Free-Gluten free, semi sweet chocolate chips and melted them in a double boiler with just a touch of EVOO. When chocolate is melted, remove from heat.
I then put dark grapes in the chocolate ( Of course pick the off the stem, wssh and dry the grapes). Put a sheet of wax paper on a cookie sheet. Put chocolate dipped grapes on the wax paper After the chocolate was dry on the grapes, I froze them over night on the cookie sheet in the freezer.
This morning I took them of the cookie sheet and put in a freezer bag.

They are a wonderful treat!!!
Of course eat frozen-do not thaw them completely.
The chocolate wasn't real smooth as their isn't any dairy in the chips, but oh, still very good. I have also used semi-sweet chocolate chips, which work really great!!!!

If you want to be really perfect-Hummm- is their such a person??????? Freeze the grapes, without the chocolate and eat almost frozen. Also a nice treat. But you will love the chocolate!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rhubarb-Strawberry Dessert

This ia really tasty. I took a friends recipe and totally changed it. Hope you enjoy it.

3 cups quick oatmeal
1/2 cup Whole Wheat Pastry Flour
1/2 cup Batey Natural Brown Sugar-working on this to improve
1/3 cup organic Phoenician EVOO-From Olive Cellar-Tastes like butter
Mix well.

Strawberry Sauce:
1 1/2 cups plus 1 Tablespoon strawberry juice-I used fresh frozen strawberries
3 Tablespoons cornstarch
2-3 Tablespoons orange juice concentrate-don't dilute-gives strawberries a nice red color
1/3 cup raw organic Agave Nectar
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1-In saucepan, thicken strawberry juice with cornstarch, stirring constantly.
2-Add frozen concentrate and Agave Nectar.
Remove from heat add vanilla and 2 cups thawed and drained strawberries
3-Stir well

Directions for assembly:
1-In 9 by 13 " sprayed glass pan, put half of crumbs in pan. Pat down. Bake 15 minutes. Remove from oven.
2-Spread 4 cups, fresh chopped rhubarb over partially baked crumbs.
3-Spread strawberry mixture over rhubarb.
4-Top with remaning crumbs. Pat down.
5-Bake 350 degrees- 45 minutes, or until golden brown on top.

These freeze up really nice. I cut in bar size pieces. Froze on a cookie sheet, when frozen I put in freezer bags. A nice treat when you are in a hurry.

Comments appreciated.
