Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Green Circle Trail

For my birthday my bike riding friend took me to Green Circle Trail in Stevens Point. She had made arrangements several weeks before but wanted to keep it a surprise where we where going.

On Sunday May 23rd we started biking about 10 o'clock. At that time their where a few people on the trail. By noon hardly anyone was out. Why????? It hit 90 degrees and humid. Yikes!!!!! it was HOT!!!
Green Circle Trail is a very nice trail. Their is allot of bike riding through the woods, along the Plover River, and also the Wisconsin River. It is a 31 mile round trip.
Going through town and residential areas it was very poorly marked, we put on more miles
than that, as we got lost a few times.

In the past we usually bike more miles then this. But it was a great accomplishment for two 70 year old's to go that far, in that kind of heat.
Monday morning we where up really early, (didn't feel like it, isn't this my birthday present, I wanted too sleep in) too beat the heat as it was suppose to get up to 93 and humid. After the fact I am glad we got up early. Did our bike riding for the day, and had time to go to Jung's Garden Center and a few other places.

Love bike riding, every time we go out it is a new adventure!!

Hope you found an exercise that you enjoy!

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