Sunday, January 31, 2010
My Kids

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Tabouleh Salad
Tabouleh is very rich in beta-carotene, protein and lots of vitamins.
Tabouleh Salad
3/4 cups bulgur. Pour 1 cup boiling water over the bulgur and leave it sit 15-20 min or until water is absored.
Put in a seperate bowl:
Zest of one lemon
Juice of 1 lemon-about 1/4 cup
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon oregano. (optional )
2 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
3 Tablespoons Apple Juice Concentrate. ( optional, I used it because it helps cut the lemon.)
1 Tablespoon Agave Nectar (optional )
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Mix with whisk
Add to bowl:
1 seedless cucumber - chop in bite size pieces.
5-6 green onions - chop the white as well as some of the greens
3-5 cloves of garlic - chop
1/2 cup fresh mint - chop
1 cup flat leaf parsley chop
1 container cherry or grape tomatoes cut in half-about 1- 1/2 cups
1 green pepper - chopped (optional)
cayenne pepper to taste (optional )
Add Bulgur
Mix all ingredients together and refrigerate for several hours to marinade.
Serve on Romaine lettuce leaf.
In Lebanon and Syria, where Tabouleh originated, cinnamon and allspice are used in the salad.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

As I was giving grocery shopping tours last week, I challenged each group to try a new fresh vegetable each week.
Someone asked me about rutabaga's. What do you do with a rutabaga? Upon research most of the times they are mashed with potatoes, used in soups etc., which is not what I wanted to do.
I decided to go on a mission and make them into patties. This is what I came up with.
Hope you like what I did Jeff, with the rutabaga's.
Roast at 425-450-I did 450. Depends on your oven
3 large carrots
1 large red onion
5-6 clove garlics
3-4 potatoes-I used sweet potatoes as they needed to be used up. Didn't peel.
1-Put all veggies on 2 sprayed baking sheets.
2-Spray veggies lightly. Sprinkle with fresh ground black pepper.
3-Roast until golden brown, turn roast on other side.
4-Remove from oven.
At this point they could have been eaten, as they where delicious.
But as I said I was on a mission.
1-So I put half of the veggies into the food processor with some of my home made vegetable broth. Go easy on the broth as you want to make these into patties.
2-Scrape mixture into a large container.
3- Proceeded to put the rest of the veggies in the food processor, adding liquid as needed
4-Scrape mixture into the bowl with the other veggies.
5-I added about 2 Tablespoons parsley flakes to the mixture.
6-Form into patties, cover with bread crumbs,and fry in a hot skillet that had been sprayed with oil.
They had a wonderful flavor, but where quite soft.
I would probably stop after roasting the vegetables and eat them at that time. Just more work them I had anticipated.
If I did chose to go as far as I did, rather than making them into patties, I would probably put mixture in sprayed glass pan and put crumbs on the top and bake at 350 degrees.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Speak in Waukesha
It was a wonderful opportunity too meet so many super people. Young children, between 6- 12 year's of age, where thanking me for coming. Isn't that just so sweet!!! I was so touched by these young people.
We had the most unbelievable pot luck meal. It was all vegetarian or vegan.
Yummy, yummy.
Isn't it great that we can eat really tasty food and have it be healthy at the same time.
My daughter's pesto recipe
When my computer was sick with a worm, my daughter posted a Basil Pesto Recipe that is excellent. I made it this evening as I had lots of fresh basil to use up. I didn't have any soy Parmesan so I used Nutritional Yeast For those not familiar with Nutritional Yeast, it has a cheesey flavor. It can be found in the natural food aisle in the grocery store.I put in a couple squirts of Liquid Amino's in the recipe also.
Very good.
Thanks to my daughter for the recipe. Good job!!!
Red Peppers on sale
They have the most beautiful red peppers (2 for a dollar) on sale.What a deal. This is the price you may hopefully find in the summer, but never have I seen that price this time of the year. I bought lots of them to roast and freeze. Oh yes, I left some for you!!!!!
But---- when I am finished roasting these, I may go back for more. So hurry, and go and get some!!!!!
Posted a Red Pepper Humus Recipe yesterday that you can use the peppers in. Roasting intensifies the flavors of the peppers and also caramelizes them. They are wonderful where ever you want red pepper flavors. Soups, stews, pizza sauce, any tomatoes based sauce for that matter. Oh yes, they are fabulous in chili.
If you have not done any roasting, try it, it's great.
Have fun!!!
Directions for roasting peppers was posted on yesterday's blog. If any questions let me know.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Roasted Red Pepper Hummus
This is a really easy hummus recipe:
15 oz. can Garbanzo Beans
2 cups Roasted Red Peppers
1 head of garlic roasted
1 1/2 Tablespoons lemon juice or Rice Vinegar
1 Tablespoon cumin
Preheat oven to 375 degrees
1. Cut about 1/2 " off top of garlic.Wrap in parchment paper than in foil.
2. Bake about 45 minutes or until clove is tender.
3. Squeeze about 6 cloves into food processor with all remaining ingredients. Puree until smooth, about 2-3 minutes.
4. Season hummus with pepper and Sriracha Chili Sauce to taste.
5. Hummus will keep for a couple of weeks in the refrigerator.
1. Turn broiler to high.
2. Spray glass pan-Put whole red peppers in pan.
3. Broil peppers until blackened, continue to turn peppers until all sides are blackened.
4. Remove from oven, cover with clean towel. Let steam until cooled.
5. Remove peels and seeds from peppers. Do not rinse the peppers as they will lose their flavor. Wash hands as needed.
6. Freeze any leftovers. Put in freezer bags, 2 cups per bag. Squeeze out all air from bag. Make sure to date and label the bag.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Yeah!! I'm back.
CHIP classes started last week. It is so wonderful to be back. I help facilitate the classes, which is one of the more enjoyable things I do. The people are wonderful.
Oh yes, been trying new recipes, which I will be sharing with you in the near future.
Working at losing my ten lbs by the end of the month. Can you believe that is next week? I should be real close.
Very late, will be back tomorrow.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Back Soon
While taking on the task of cleaning the cupboard this afternoon I came across a recipe that I haven't seen in a decade. I'd hate to think it's been that long since I cleaned that cupboard so lets just say it's been a while.
The great recipe that I found is for Pesto. Made with fresh basil of course. Anyone who knows me, also knows that I'm nuts about basil and love to sing its glories. It smells good, you can grow it near your windows to keep the flys away, and I'm almost certain that if everyone ate basil, it would cause world peace. Without further ado here is the recipe.
Pesto Dip or Spread
2 to 3 cloves garlic: chop in food processor. (Roasted garlic is best but optional)
Chop and Add:
1/2 cups firmly packed fresh basil leaves.
1/4 cup firmly packed fresh parsley
Add to the food processor and blend until smooth:
1/2 pound regular tofu
3 tablespoons of pine nuts or walnuts
2 tablespoons soy Parmesan
2 tablespoons olive oil
Optional - 1/4 tea salt
- Spread on crackers, thin toasted bread, or use for vegetable dip.
- You can spread your pesto on a fresh homemade pizza crust and add a few other ingredients like fresh tomato slices, red onion slices, green and orange peppers, jalapenos, salsa, and even corn kernels. Bake about 10 min. or until the crust is done and everything has that beautiful roasted appearance. Sprinkle the pizza with fresh cilantro before serving.
2 tablespoons of pesto = 52 calories.
I'm suddenly hungry for a pesto pizza.
Mom (Verna) won't be able to see this post until I give her the computer back. The hope is to return her computer tomorrow morning.
If you see her, ask if she saw this yet!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Delays due to computer issues
A worm came to visit me and I'm trying to kick him out.
I'm anxiously waiting until I can get back on my blog and share how everything is going. Hopefully it'll be very soon.
If your reading this please come back and visit again!!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Held accountable
Jumped on the scale and didn't lose anything. Stupid scale!! Oh well I know I went on the treadmill yesterday morning for35 min. shoveled my driveway, as it snowed yesterday; and then 35 min on my exercise bike last evening. Also stuck to my food plan. So I am probably building lots of muscles.
Well need to close as I am off to my line dancing class.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
losing 50 lbs
Start logging.
I hate logging, but I know it really helps:
I plan on writing down everything I put in my mouth. Everything I eat, including what I eat on the run. So often I am not even aware of what I am doing. I probably will be shocked what I actually eat in a day when I do the logging.
Goal is to lose ten lbs a month-
Thats reasonable and healthy.
write on calender goal weight half way through month and at the end of month. Help me to keep on track.
I am quickly removing all foods in the home, that are not good for me, that where aquired over the Holidays.
Drink lots of water. I have a problem with this and need to be more aware of it.
Get back to exercising everyday. Even when I don't feel like it.
That is it for today-off to exercising.
Applesauce Breakfast Pie
Applesauce Breakfast Pie was a new recipe I tried yesterday. I am a museli girl for breakfast but decided to try some thing new. It was probably a 7-8 out of 10. Like to try it again.
Applesauce Breakfast Pie
Serves 4-6
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce (make it a generous 1/2 cup)
1/4 cup Agave Nectar (go easy on the Nectar)
Ener-G replacer for 2 eggs (make sure to leave sit for 5 min-it will improve
1 cup vanilla soymilk
3 cups dry oatmeal (instant or regular)
1/2 cup raisins
2 Tabl.Brown organic Sucanat (brown sugar)
cinnamon to taste
- Beat together applesauce and Agave Nectar
- Mix in egg replacer, soymilk, baking powder and oatmeal (make sure baking powder is fresh or it will not rise proberly)
- Beat well, stir in raisins
- Pour into a lightly greased pie plate.(glass is the best)
- Sprinkle with Brown Sucanat and cinnamon ( I used lots of cinnamon as I like it and it is good for you)
- Cover and refrigerate overnight- 8 plus hours
- The next morning preheat oven to 350. Bake uncovered, about 35 min.or until firm.
Serve hot topped with unsweetened applesauce
Preparation time 10 min plus 8 hours in fridge
Note: I did not add it, but next time I would like to put in some toasted wheat germ.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Well it's day 2
went on my bike 35 min. while I watched a good movie.and I did not eat after 5. That is a biggie for me as I enjoy eating in the evening-that is my hardest time.
My goal for 2010 is to lose 50 lbs by spring. Anyone else want to do it with me????
How am I going to do this???
1-Low sodium foods- watch those canned, pkg. boxed items. Did you know even fresh veggies with a wrapper, have sodium in them. The purpose is to extend longer life. Please read labels.
2-Low fat- use sprays- rather than butter or oil when stir frying etc. Careful of EVOO-hear it is suppose to be good- but it is still fat. Healthy fats are salt free nuts and avacados. Go easy on those also as it still is fat.
3-Sugar- Ouch that was my downfall over the Holidays. Get rid of all that white sugar. When recipes call for sugar I use Agave Nectar-use only about 1/4 of what recipe calls for. Try getting your sugar from fresh fruit. Yummy!!!!
4-Eat lots of high fiber foods-fresh greens-fresh fruit- beans and leguines. You will feel so much better and have so much more energy.
5- Drink lots of water-I like adding fresh lime juice or lemon juice to my water.
Remember when you think your hungry-water may satisfy you.
I will share more later on how I plan to lose my 50 lbs this winter.
O.K. Are you ready to face another day??? If you make it a healthy day every thing else will seem waaaaaay better!!!! Let's go for it.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
First day of blogging
Yesterday I made 15 min. on the tread mill and quit. Yikes!!!! Plan on going on my exercise bike for 35 min. tonight. New year-new start. Let's go for it-We can do it.
Can't beleive what I did today-found some peppermint stick ice cream in the freezer that I bought for company over the holidays. Guess who was eating it? Of course me, who else. I actually threw what was left away. Remember when we where little we had to eat every thing on our plate because of all the starving children in the world-so we would eat it and get fat-didn't help the starving children.
Have to get all that stuff that is not good for me out of the house, or it calls my name until it is gone.
Well I hope I do good tonight with my eating as, evenings are the worst for me. Will let you know tomorrow how I did.