please keep them straighter then I have them. ( it was cold out and I did it in a hurry).
1/2 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
2 Tablespoons Agave Nectar
1/2 teaspoon black peppercorns
6 whole Allspice-I used powdered
1 small clove garlic- peeled
1 small Bay Leaf
1 large red onion-halved and thinly sliced-about 2 cups
Bring vinegar, 1/2 cup water Agave Nectar, peppercorns allspice and garlic to a boil in a saucepan. Add onion slices and return to a boil. Remove from heat, and transfer to a quart glass jar. Cover with a cloth and let cool at room temperature for 24 hours before serving. Will keep up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator.
This is really good. Has lots of flavor. I cut leftovers in serving sizes, froze on a flat container. When frozen I put in freezer bags an labeled. Great for future use. Actually I spend Saturday trying new recipes to share with you on my blog. It was way to cold and windy to be working in my yard, and I would rather cook then clean any day.Ended up freezing a lot and sharing some of the food with others. I hope you enjoy this recipe.
Saute onions and ginger in a sprayed cast iron pan, 2-3 minutes. Add carrots,celery, sweet potatoes. Continue sauteing for several minutes Add seasonings and wine.Loosen all caramelized bits on bottom of pan. Reduce wine to 75%, Add soy milk or creamer. Continue cooking on low heat, until potatoes are cooked through about 25 minutes. Turn oven to 350 degrees. Put cooked mixture into a sprayed 8 by 8" glass pan. Top with Panko Crumbs, pat down. Put a few dollops of Earth Balance on the top. Bake at 350 degrees about 30-45 minutes until top is golden brown.
Tips: **I do not peel ginger. Just scrub clean and continue process to follow recipe. the skin is very thin and does not need to be removed. I usually make my own crumbs but like Panko for this recipe as they are so fine. Have a super great day! Enjoy!!
In a small bowl combine, peanut butter, Agave Nectar and Vegenise. Dip sliced bananas in lemon juice.
Place greens on a plate. top with bananas,and coconut. Drizzle with sauce. Sprinkle with chopped peanuts.
**This took more time to make-so I doubled the recipe. After it was baked and cooled, I sliced it and froze for future use.
This was well worth the time to make, especially if you doubled the recipe. It freezes really well for those times you need something in a hurry. Makes a wonderful sandwich on toast with a little catchup.
I enjoyed this much more the second and third day after flavors mellowed.
2nd recipe for Oven Baked Oatmeal
Also very good.
The address is:
313 Dodge St.
Kaukauna WI.
call 920-766-9090
What an enjoyable time. How can you beat, being with a special friend and yummy food. Then off to the dentist I went.
I was looking for it and could not find it in the stores. I called several stores with no luck. I love Frog Ranch Salsa. It has only 40 mg. of sodium, all natural and tastes great.
I didn't follow my instructions that I give to class when I bought this some time ago, ( I have bought it only once) That is to write on the outside of the container where I bought it. I was having friends in for a meal over the weekend and wanted to use this in the recipe. Hopefully someone out there uses this and knows where to get it. Would appreciate it if you could let me know.
Have a super great day!!!!
Have super wonderful day!!!
Mix all together in a bowl , and drizzle with just a little Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Bake in a 350 degree oven until golden and crisp.
Sprinkle croutons with a nondairy cheese that melts.Put back in the oven for a few minutes until cheese melts.
How do you like that for quick and easy.
Have a super wonderful day!!