Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dr Diehl

Thank you for coming out to hear Dr. Diehl.

I was so thrilled for his sake that we had a packed out house. Especially because it was all last minute.

Wasn't he great!!!!

He is such a kind and passinate man for CHIP and for the people.

Have a great weekend. Stay dry.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for letting us know that Dr. Diehl was coming to our area. Found his information very interesting. He appears to have a heart for the people, and his message showed it.

Verna V said...

Yes I have had the priviledge of traveling with Dr. DIehl around the U.S. last year.
Conequently I have seen him in many situations. He has a passion for the people!!!!
He is a great man!!!
Thank you for your comment.