I was told by someone very special too me, that my blog was boring, cause all I have on it, are recipes, and nothing personnel about me!
Yikes how much do you want to know about me???
That's a scarry thought!!!
Well today I was invited to my Great Granddaughter's
Tea Party.
Layla refers to me as her Great, Great, Great, Grandma. Ummm!!!
Well, that must make me at least 140-160 years old.
Wow!!! Am I ever well preserved!!! I'm looking pretty good for being that old.
I have been told by some , that I have never grown up. Who wants to grow up?? What fun would that be!!!!
After the tea party, I was playing Hide and Seek with Layla. Sure is fun playing with a 4 year old. They are so easy to find, because they tell you exactly were they are.
I hope to build many memories with these little ones.
Well, is this personnel enough?????? Or do you want me to get really personnel???
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